Search results

  1. Scorch

    D&D 5E Looking for Level 10 Pre Gen Characters for one shot DnD Next Play Test

    Hello all, I may be running a Dungeons and Dragons Next Play Test One Shot for some friends who are coming up to visit this holiday weekend. I am putting together an adventure but one thing I may not have time for is to create some Level 10 characters I can just hand out at the beginning of...
  2. Scorch

    D&D 5E Wealth and Starting Magic Items for 5th Level Playtest Characters?

    Hello all, Scorch here from the old Savage Sword of Meepo Story Hour (is that story hour still cached somewhere?). We are taking a break from our 4th Edition campaign to do some more Beta test playing. We did our last Beta test on the rules from before the most recent play test package based...
  3. Scorch

    The Adventures of the Endhome 6+1. Rebirth of Barakus! (9-27-06, 19 and 20 back up)

    Hello all, After the "Great Board Borking of 2006", as I referred to the loss of data on ENWorld a few months back, all the postings I made about our gaming groups adventures in "The Lost City of Barakus" were lost. Going through some old files at work, I came across the original documents I...
  4. Scorch

    Ziggurat of Doom!

    I just finished up this new project: a four level ziggurat! Check it out: It took me about two weeks to make. I was aiming for more of a step pyramid with a large single staircase leading up one face but I got the angles wrong. In the end I decided to do it with a series of small steps...
  5. Scorch

    New Project: Druidic Observatory

    With apologies to the ENWorld user who originally posted his pics for a project that was building as well. It was too good of an idea and I ran with it: It is based on the observatory shown in the Eberron Campaign Book, page 171. Scorch Out
  6. Scorch

    How RPGs changed one's life for the better.

    I have been reading a lot of posts about nightmare scenarios of unruly (and unkempt) players and GMs. As a change of pace: does anyone have any positive stories of how D&D (or any other RPG) changed someone they know for the better? I know we all unconciously love to rubber neck at car...
  7. Scorch

    Some NWN Modules

    Hello all, I seem to recall that there was an official ENWorld NWN server. Is it still out there? Also, what module did it run? I think it was a Path of Ascension module that was modified. There was another one that Morrus was playing with for a while that was sort of a mega world. Does...
  8. Scorch

    Finished my graveyard project...

    Thought I'd share the pics with you all of my graveyard project. and here is another angle... Sorry if they are a little on the big side. For more shots of it and pictures of my other minis projects, check out my blog: Scorch out...
  9. Scorch

    Any Good Mega-Module Suggestions?

    I am currently running our gaming group through "The Lost City of Barakus". We just finished our 18th session in it and we are having a gas. Now, this is a mega-module meant for levels 1 through 5 with slow XP gain to draw things out. It has a well thought out city setting, a wilderness...
  10. Scorch

    Need Dungeon Flocking

    I love my Hirst Arts and Dwarven Forge Master Maze pieces but having miles of corridors and hundreds of square feet of rooms and caves mean nothing if I cannot furnish them. Sure there are some of the Dwarven Forge and Mage Knight accessory kits but what I am looking for is more of stuff like...
  11. Scorch

    Scorch's Projects Blog

    This was posted on WizarDru's story hour but I thought it would be a good idea to have it placed here as well. I have started a Live Journal Blog where I will be posting pictures of current miniatures, Hirst Arts, and foam carved landscape projects. Here's the link...
  12. Scorch

    New Anime Series: Gankutsuou

    Here is yet another new anime series review by me. Enjoy: Gankutsuou aka “King of the Cavern” aka “The Count of Monte Cristo” We all have our little fantasies of revenge over slight and not-so-slight infractions committed against us in life. That guy cuts you off in traffic, you imagine...
  13. Scorch

    New FLGS in SE PA area

    Just wanted to drop a note to all games in the South East Pennsylvnia area in or around Chester County. There is a new game store in Downingtown that opened this week called Fat Cat's Comics. It is located on Business 30/Lancaster Avenue near the Downingtown SEPTA train station. I checked it...
  14. Scorch

    Steven Eriksons Malazan series

    Well, I just finished the first book of the series and am eager to read the others. Unfortunately they are not out in America yet. Does anyone know of Tor's release schedule of the rest of the series. I would by used copies but they are going for $30 to $40 EACH! Anyone know of a cheap...
  15. Scorch

    Review - Samurai 7

    Samurai 7 Review by Scorch Depending upon how you look at it the new TV series Samurai 7 is a cool homage to the original movie from Akira Kurosawa or blasphemy of a cinema classic. Personally I am fully in the cool homage camp. How can you go wrong with samurai, robots, and samurai robots…...
  16. Scorch

    Anime/Manga Review: Gantz

    Hello, Just got finished watching the first season (11 episodes) of a cool little anime called Gantz and I thought I would throw together this review of it: Killer DM: we all are familiar with the phrase. A game master who kills his players off either intentionally, through some sort of...
  17. Scorch

    Cerebus has ended earlier this month

    For those of you interested Cerebus ended earlier this month. This article pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter: It was wierd to see the author change the way he did over the years but it still was an interesting ride. Scorch
  18. Scorch

    Some of my Hirst Arts blocks projects

    As requested by Pogre: here are shots of some my Hirst Arts modular dungeon pieces set up on Wizardru and Valanthe's kitchen floor:
  19. Scorch

    Question concerning stacking Arch Mage abilities

    Hi all, Question concerning Arch Mage high arcana abilities: My wizard is taking levels of Arch Mage while I bide my time to get the feats I need for Arcane Lord. One of the high arcana grants a +1 to caster level so I can cast spells and make caster checks as though I was one caster level...
  20. Scorch

    Question concerning stacking Arch Mage abilities

    Hi all, Question concerning Arch Mage high arcana abilities: My wizard is taking levels of Arch Mage while I bide my time to get the feats I need for Arcane Lord. One of the high arcana grants a +1 to caster level so I can cast spells and make caster checks as though I was one caster level...