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  1. C

    Worst D&D adventure of all time?

    Castanimir is actually one of the main reasons i got back into D&D during the 2nd edition... War Rafts was fun.....a little goofy and Bane of LLewelyn was the second part of to Find A King....taken by itself it makes no sense, but as a two parter it is an excellent mystery, wilth a helluva...
  2. C

    races of destiny --has D&D 3.5 jumped the shark?

    The Books are modular.....and most importantly OPTIONAL..... If the Illumins are "dumb" do not use them...... I believe most campaigns end up being made of several parts of several books by several people working for several companies.... your game will not "jump the shark" unless you let...
  3. C

    New Server Drive - donation and prize thread (Final total: $13,310!)

    $25.00 from "Gavorial" my pay pal account.......wish i could do more. Just an old timer, doing his part, to keep this vibrant community alive.
  4. C

    Dungeon 112: Map problems

    At this point (my group is on level 2) I have given up using the Dungeon map and i am using the old module map. I ran into some scale problems and decided the hell with it. I do refrence it for changes....secret doors etc.... There is something to be said for Fully functional, easy to read and...
  5. C

    How does your group handle a character's Hit Points?

    Maximum At first two levels.......... then let the Dice fall where they may.......This seems to give everyone a leg up....and still keep the purity of the die rolls
  6. C

    Oldies but Goodies?

    B4- The Lost City It is my all time favorite...... and for my money the best module ever... there is even a 3E conversion on this site..... A Hidden Pyramid, 10 levels, an underground city.... it spawned a whole campaign, back in the day when we just randomly moved from one adventure to another.
  7. C

    Dungeon 112: Castle Maure comments?

    Started running it two weeks ago.....it's a lot of fun.....The Terrible Iron Golem was a great humbling expeareance for my high level campaign...... they plan to break thhrough the stone wall, next session. It's always a challenge to deal with a high level campaign (plus i have 7 players, and...
  8. C

    New DM seeking a good premade campaign

    A Second vote for the Shackled City Seies...... it can be placed in any world i have it in Greyhawk.....but it works anywhere.....
  9. C

    Adventure Ideas from Songs

    WOW.... Blackmore's Night (we truly are on the same page) I've also used the Bedlam Boys (A Boston Duo) and Emerald Rose (If you've been to Dragon Con, you know who they are) as Tavern music as well I can also throw in some Iron Maiden as Well ("Seventh Son of A Seventh Son") and one more...
  10. C

    Adventure Ideas from Songs

    So are Witch Wolf and The Grove of Eglantine (A real place in my Greyhawk hybrid) Born For Adventure on Equinox plays like a Bard's tale as well... Gotta' love my band, Styx Forever :D
  11. C

    Avariel and Level Adjustment

    The Avariel's From races of Faerun also get a juicy +6 to ability scores.... that in of itself might account for the +1 additional Level adjustment
  12. C

    Adventure Ideas from Songs

    Being a lifelog Styx fan, i based a whole campaign and its sequal on a styx song (i've gotten over ten years out of it) "Serpent is Rising" "In the Abyss of space, at the center of time A superman race moved the serpent to climb The journy has lasted, seven ages or more Life after life, must...
  13. C

    What's the coolest item in your game collection?

    Once again i have to vote for my old hardcovers, although since i have been playing since '78 they are beat to all hell, i did get a mint Dieties and Demigods (w/Cthulu) (Do we all have one? ) But for me its got to be my original Unearthed Arcana... It's still the most significant book ever in...
  14. C

    Have the PCs in your party seen each other naked?

    Extremely amusing thread......more so, because of course i have an example.... In a Mystarra campasign my brother played our leader The Wizard Corvis.... who, besides attempting to sleep with every female NPC and PC in the group had a habit of getting captured and stripped Naked,,,Everyone saw...
  15. C

    The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh - your experiences?

    I've DM'd this series two times (i may even try it 3.5)....... It's a great series, but both times the party could not defeat the Sahugin in part three and had to rely on the outsiders to resolve the problem.......and poor Oceanus (the sea elf NPC) died horribly both times (the sharks in...
  16. C

    Be honest, DMs: how much do you ad lib?

    As my players will tell you.... the more prepared I am...the worse the game is.... I will sometimes come to the table with nothing more then a vague plot point..... I love ad-libbing..... it is a wonderful DM style, when one is confortable with it... Most of my sessions i come to the table...
  17. C

    Things that annoy you as DM?

    Players who are obsessed with playing an evil character, and will attempt to turn any character they already play evil. Players who carry over rivalries from different campaigns.
  18. C

    Best RPG Book you've never used

    Gary Gygax's Dangerous Journey's (esp Mythus Magic).... just never got around to learning the system.....although that is still one of the best magic books ever produced.... and Mage:The Ascension (Do all of us own this.....do none of us use it), Mummy:The Resurection (not a great book....but...
  19. C

    Time to look at the back of the character sheet

    I hear ya...... Back in the day when encumbrance was an optional rule we all ignored.... i had a character who carried two ten foot long chains of animal control.. my wizard had hundreds of scrolls (although he still managed to always get the right one out). We all had at least three...
  20. C

    Does anyone still play in Greyhawk?

    Double Post :mad: