• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. idarii

    Rate Spider-Man 2 [No Spoilers]

    My thoughts, copied and pasted from elsewhere. I just got back from a midnight show, and I wanted to come on and post that what you've heard is true- the movie's fantastic. The action took a back seat to the characters and the result was everything I want in a serial super hero installment...
  2. idarii

    STAR WARS - The Clone Wars - Child of Prophecy FOLDED

    Doc here--- I've got a full weekend... I start writing again on Mondee. I might get the opportunity today to run the D&D adventure game box set for a group of kids who've never played. I'm excited. As soon as I get money, I'm going to get the Eberron campaign setting. If I like that, I might...
  3. idarii

    STAR WARS - The Clone Wars - Child of Prophecy FOLDED

    doc says post, so i post! he also says not to mess with the time-space continuum, cause that's what doc brown taught him. i don't know what else i can say. talented, yes, yes, marvelous.
  4. idarii

    STAR WARS - The Clone Wars - Child of Prophecy FOLDED

    Oops- forgot to log Idarii out... -Doc
  5. idarii

    STAR WARS - The Clone Wars - Child of Prophecy FOLDED

    hey doug do you not remember the end of phantom menace? right before granting anakin as a padawan to obi-wan, yoda tells obi-wan "confer upon you the rank of jedi knight, the council does" (not an exact quote i'm sure, but i don't feel like popping in the DVD right now) according to mr. LUCAS...
  6. idarii

    STAR WARS: The Emperor's Game

    hello there :) goggles do not make one great, they make one ....... huh, i guess they do make one great.
  7. idarii

    STAR WARS: The Emperor's Game

    avara tel wanted me to stop in and say hi to everyone, cause she's a little busy fixing some droids or something. i wasn't really listening, i was too busy thinking about how i could steal her ultra cool goggles... carrie (avara tel)
  8. idarii

    Boston EN World game a great success! Photo on p. 9!

    hello, the good doctor (midnight) sent me here. this is carrie, i just wanted to let gospog know that i greatly enjoyed the game of omega world. manual ribbit forever!