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  1. Committed Hero

    Is it fun to plan a heist?

    This is like the mystery genre, in that players who read and watch a lot of heist stories will be "better" at coming up with elements in a session.
  2. Committed Hero

    The "G" in RPG

    Ideally, we are playing to have fun. Balance lets you explore different builds while knowing your choice won't impact your character's effectiveness. If my starting character misses or does minimal damage regularly, sometimes that's an unlucky dice day. But if the rest of the party is killing...
  3. Committed Hero

    The "G" in RPG

    In all but the most random of games, you have the ability to get better at playing it. For me this doesn't necessarily mean "winning" a game, just having the ability to derive more enjoyment from it. Also, games imply rules, and rules imply some predictive regularity that players can exploit to...
  4. Committed Hero

    What adventure module have you pillaged the most without using the main plot?

    I've used pieces of all four adventures in The Zalozhniy Quartet without running the campaign itself. The first one is a series of mini encounters, the second is an investigation, the third a bank heist, and the fourth a large plot.
  5. Committed Hero

    Is it fun to plan a heist?

    Gumshoe is my system of choice, and also has mechanics that simulate the effects of planning, rather than encourage planning itself. But that doesn't keep folks from planning, either.
  6. Committed Hero

    Is it fun to plan a heist?

    Skill challenges is what I immediately thought of. Say you think up your route to sneak in during the plan, but if you don't roll well enough, you know where your problems will start, and you're able to address them. Or the GM gets one unknown complication for each failure, and you resolve...
  7. Committed Hero

    Is it fun to plan a heist?

    I wonder if there is a way to do the lion's share of rolling during the planning? It would become a little more exciting, and players will be forewarned as to where problems might occur.
  8. Committed Hero

    Is it fun to plan a heist?

    It would be more fun if players did it like movie scenes. But they don't/can't. They don't, because they are players and it's very hard to trust that a GM won't look to exploit a flaw in their plan. They can't, because movies are scripted, while players must learn about obstacles and come up...
  9. Committed Hero

    Anyone played Masks of Nyarlathotep?

    Oh man that's a good setting. In line with my pipe dream of Masks 1968, I have run a game in Berlin where the PCs got Jackson back in a spy swap. He was a CIA stringer (and Delta Green friendly) who assisted the Bolivian rangers that captured Che Guevara in the Peru prelude.
  10. Committed Hero

    Anyone played Masks of Nyarlathotep?

    Graham Walmsley wrote four good purist scenarios for Trail of Cthulhu.
  11. Committed Hero

    Anyone played Masks of Nyarlathotep?

    My dream is to port Masks to 1968.
  12. Committed Hero

    Anyone played Masks of Nyarlathotep?

    Maybe it's not official, but the Companion does this for all the tomes (maybe not the known copies stuff). The Book of Dyzan starts on page 212. I'd say what made the campaign revolutionary was the grounding in historical time (Johnstone Kenyatta), and the non-linearity of the settings. These...
  13. Committed Hero

    Good Modern Systems

    I'm saying you are wrong that selective fire isn't addressed in DG. This is more for others reading the thread who may be misled.
  14. Committed Hero

    Good Modern Systems

    It's obviously not your bag, but rules that differentiate the use of modern weapons are on page 56 of the Agent's Handbook (single shot, short/long burst, short/long spray).
  15. Committed Hero

    Good Modern Systems

    It's a good rule for automatic weapons fire, which will involve practically all of modern firearms combat. What do you dislike about Lethality?
  16. Committed Hero

    All magic is cursed…what types of mechanics make sense at the table?

    Swords of the Serpentine uses Corruption with its spellcasting.
  17. Committed Hero

    Good Modern Systems

    Delta Green is nearly identical to CoC 7th edition and literally has a mechanic called Lethality. I would mention others but if you think DG is too streamlined, you won't be interested.
  18. Committed Hero

    Who are the really interesting modern TTRPG designers?

    Along with Pirates of Drinax and the Dracula Dossier. The only reason I didn't nominate him is that these days he tends to stick to campaigns and not systems.
  19. Committed Hero

    Who are the really interesting modern TTRPG designers?

    PirateCat's run of a demo here shows otherwise. Once you accept the fact that Gumshoe allows for success when you want it, it's a much better fit. I've run and played it for a decade, and it does the Bourne thing just fine. As for SotS and four color fantasy, the apparent mismatch has more to...
  20. Committed Hero

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Supers fight the Red Necromancer!