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  1. S

    Monte Cook Presents the Year's best D20

    But: Ergo he could easily mull over 7 or 10 or 20 products simultaneously over the course of a week. The point seems to be more that he doesn't just read it once and then set it aside.
  2. S

    Earthsea trailers

    I think most of the problem is the belief that movies based on books should be faithful to the books they're based on (and, in LeGuin's case, that her reading of the book is priveleged over anyone else's; I suppose Lieberman's mistake here was in framing his point with 'what LeGuin meant the...
  3. S

    Is "A Song of Ice and Fire" the best epic fantasy since "The Lord of the Rings"?

    It being The Wheel of Time, maybe it's less a question of when he'll finish and more of when he'll begin. I've never heard this one before. I'm sort of tempted to take you up on this, but I think ultimately the argument would evaporate into different notions of what "good" prose is.
  4. S

    Rate The Chronicles of Riddick (No CoR spoilers, some Pitch Black spoilers)

    I gave it a 9, since, if these were my points of comparison, and of them all I only liked Raiders of the Lost Ark, then that would give CoR necessarily a high score. Of course if I was comparing it to movies I think are good, it would probably be a 5 or a 6.
  5. S

    Angel Finale

    No doubt there are a few deaths, and several people have mentioned Illyria being strong enough to survive, but don't forget that Angel still had the power of the Senior Partners coursing through his veins. It gave him the strength to take Hamilton apart, and we already saw how powerful he was...
  6. S

    Constantine teaser

    I imagine 99% of the people who see it won't have a clue what Hellblazer is. I don't read comics, have no interest in reading them, and it looks cool to me. That's probably indicative.
  7. S

    Angel 5-12-04 (Spoilers, blah blah)

    A few people mentioned this, but I'm not sure where you're getting it from. He got a few hits in then grabbed Lorn. Nobody's ass got kicked on either side. No fight between Angel and Spike has ever been decided that quickly. Sadly just an hour. Smallville and Angel both wrap up the season...
  8. S

    Drinking While Gaming? Warning -- mature content (I hope)

    Last time I checked Davis still had a free taxi service, mostly for drunken university students but usable by anyone. I forget what it's called but I'm almost certain it's still there.
  9. S

    Mr. Holland's Opus, and synesthesia.

    I think, if they had no hearing, that arts of form like dance would be to them as music is to us. I've always thought of all the senses as different interpretations of touch; you might be able to invent new senses altogether, in that way, and come up with some very interesting ways those...
  10. S

    Donnie Darko???

    I may be insane or it may just be because it's been so long since I saw the movie, but I remember Frank being Donnie's sister's boyfriend. I do remember that the character was played by James Duval, who figures in all of Greg Araki's Doomed Youth movies--these equal, if they do not surpass...
  11. S

    The Passion of the Christ

    From an objective or aesthetic standpoint it's certainly possible. You wouldn't call Salmon Rushdie's The Satanic Verses a bad book because of the effects it had on society at large. Or maybe you would, but not many people would take your side if you did. How much sense, then, does it make...
  12. S

    Smallville 03.03.04 [SPOILERS]

    You'll have to wait a month to find out. I doubt it though; you don't hire a new mad scientist and schedule your secret lab for reassembly within the week only to kill yourself later that same day. If the point of all his machinations is to save his life, taking it himself (and prematurely at...
  13. S

    A Critique of the LotR BOOKS

    Suddenly there' a concensus about what literary criticism and theory are and how they must be applied to works (and a concensus about what works are, for that matter)? Apparently my department did not receive that memo. For your touted background, you seem awfully confident in notions like...
  14. S

    [spoilers request] Who is "Keyser Soze"?

    If you're going to qualify the protasis you should qualify the apodosis as well: If a film fails to entertain me, it is a failure to entertain me, i.e. tautologically. If it fails to entertain you, then yes, it fails to entertain you, but to jump from its failing to entertain you to its failing...
  15. S

    Firefly I'm Pissed!!!!

    Was really sorry to see this one and Brisco County Jr. go. Given time, I'd probably be able to say the same of Firefly, but based on what they did put out, not so much. In a sense I'm glad it was cancelled though, because (I think anyway) I'd rather have Joss make a great movie than do a...
  16. S

    I need some Birthright Campaign Advice

    MMmm.. cheesey D&D multiverse, where are my Ritz? ;)
  17. S

    I need some Birthright Campaign Advice

    I have to agree that demons and devils don't really fit the feel of Birthright, anymore than they do Dragonlance.
  18. S

    [spoilers request] Who is "Keyser Soze"?

    Sure. I've read Coleridge's Biographia. I think you'd be hardpressed to connect that concept with the one being discussed here though. Suspending doubt and predicting the outcome based on being "in the moment" have a pretty tenuous relation. I'm on your side as far as not believing it is...
  19. S

    [spoilers request] Who is "Keyser Soze"?

    Those are still connections no serious critic would make. Writing well, writing a twist that nobody can guess, and entertaining your audience have nothing necessarily to do with each other. If you find Oedipos boring because you already know the ending--you see where I'm going with this.. it...