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    Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition Pre-Orders Open

    Interesting. Part of getting rid of challenge dice is do to some ideas they didn't feel were polished enough at the time to make it into 1st. They they put in Dreams and Machines, and now in 2ed. Pardon me geeking about getting to peek behind the curtain to see how games are made...
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    WotC Hasbro Has Invested $1B In Video Games, Including A New D&D Game

    Wasn't the reason Peter Adkinson's reason for leaving was because Hasbro completely sold off the video game rights without his input? Like one of the first of many events where it's still plain that someone high up still doesn't get D&D. (I mean this from the OGL perspective)
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    Steve Jackson Games Releases Stakeholder Report for 2023

    TBH, though, solo play is on the rise again as we discovered that while there are more players than ever sometimes we still can't get schedules or personalities to align.
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    Steve Jackson Games Releases Stakeholder Report for 2023

    Evidently, I didn't run GURPS like most people did. I ran a urban horror game with a marooned veritech pilot, psionic eco-terrorist, an Indiana Jones clone, and other odd balls and used only the first four pages with some add ons. GURPS made me favor lizard folk who were more than just swamp...
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    Steve Jackson Games Releases Stakeholder Report for 2023

    Now a days, you get your weekly hit of Hite from the Ken and Robin Talk about Stuff podcast. The more things change ...
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    Parsely Turns Classic Adventure Games Into Fun For Everyone

    This game would be perfect for a couple of GMs I know. They hate improving but also want low prep.
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    Asmodee Owner To Split Into 3 Companies

    Fair question. I'm combining size and distance. Modiphius, Free League, and Cubical 7 are bigger outfits that seem to be able to afford to go GenCon and attend other cons on both sides of the pond to network and meet the press in person. For the few small firms I've worked with, they would...
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    Asmodee Owner To Split Into 3 Companies

    The only time I have discovered any news about Edge products is when I personally visit their website. More than the usually challenges of having all those games shunted off to a smaller overseas studio, the loss of networking ties and media connections probably did more damage. When I was...
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    Asmodee Owner To Split Into 3 Companies

    Dennis Detwiller of DG fame had a long career in video games and said the industry was more built to spin up studios and then sell them while the deep pocket people in the industry acting like they were embarrassed they had to make their fortunes from those those video gamey things. (Maybe they...
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    Asmodee Owner To Split Into 3 Companies

    "Selling for parts" was exactly what I meant by sacrificial lamb. At the very least, it seems keeping the other two companies alive is the priority here. Ah. That now makes more sense. Thanks for the insight.
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    Asmodee Owner To Split Into 3 Companies

    But how can I call myself a genius for finding a loophole in a system that already works in my favor? I might have to actually innovate or treat a business like a ... business instead of chop shop. There was an idea floated around for a while about how we could attract the young bright minds...
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    Asmodee Owner To Split Into 3 Companies

    I wasn't holding my breath. I had gotten the impression that putting all the ttrpgs into one company was a move to put the products with thin profit margins into one bucket to die a slow death. I'm surprised Edge is still around. Purely speculating if they saddled Asmodee with so much of the...
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    Use This Ghost To Show Off The World Of Old Gods

    It states it is a convention one-shot in the first sentence of the article. Hopefully most GM will make changes before using in at the home table and most players at a convention will understand the set up is a bit in media res. Though I did once run a convention one shot at a convention and...
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    D&D General D&D AI Fail

    It also illustrates how humans who keep pushing AI think that something that's "close enough" be it trending vs factual, super fast predictive text v writing and image scraping/mashing vs art is equal to "good enough." I assume it's PR spin until it is less wrong all the time.
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    D&D 5E Here's All The Loot In B&G's Vecna: Eve of Ruin Platinum Edition

    I've been having chats with other gamers and we are starting to suspect that the real profit is in the gaming accessories as the books were never had a huge profit margin and that's shrunk even smaller now thanks to the paper shortage and distributors making an even worse mess of things.
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    Steve Jackson Games Releases Stakeholder Report for 2023

    I agree. Pre-pandemic, I was used to giving a small store an order for a product and getting it in my hands by next week . Now I hang around a bigger store and everything takes at least two weeks now. And in a hobby where impulse buy is king, that can be a killer. I backed the Car War...
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    D&D 5E Here's All The Loot In B&G's Vecna: Eve of Ruin Platinum Edition

    There are almost entire states of such places in the USA. Perfect example is if you took Kansas and Oklahoma and cut them up vertically - especially if you made that dividing line just west of Wichita and OKC. Hell, you could probably keep that line going all the way north to the border.
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    D&D 5E Here's All The Loot In B&G's Vecna: Eve of Ruin Platinum Edition

    Also priorities. I had to hold an intervention last month as a friend who makes more money than me borrowed (and promptly paid back) a $25 loan to cover shipping on a kickstarter. Makes me wonder how much more affordable some of these board games would be if they simply used cardboard tokens...
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    D&D 5E Here's All The Loot In B&G's Vecna: Eve of Ruin Platinum Edition

    One might say that having a luxury market segment for our hobby is a good sign. I'm on the fence about that. For me, I have always said that our culture would never take ttrpgs seriously until there was money to be made, like golf, video games, and the NFL.