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  1. A

    A Feast for Crows Update.

    Herein lies the problem with taking so long between volumes. I first got introduced to ASOIAF last year, so I've only been waiting a year or so for Feast of Crows. I can imagine a lot of GRRM's other fans starting to say stuff like this though. By the time the series is finished, will there be...
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    Katsucon, Feb 18-20, 2005, Arlington, VA

    I'll be there. Used to work senior staff back in the day and going to Katsu is like a college reunion for me. Not that I'm a major poster here at ENWorld (I lurk a lot,) but at least you'll not be the only ENWorlder at the con.
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    Open RPG

    I just finished DMing an ORPG game a couple months ago, a D&D campaign that lasted over two years, so I figure I've got a good bit of experience with the program. Is it buggy? Somewhat, but the developers appear to be pretty quick on the ball in getting new versions out. I've never used PbP, so...
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    Read or Die

    There are actually two seperate Read or Die series. One is an OAV video release made up of (I think) 3 episodes. That's the one CN has. The other is a full length television series and it shows on G4TechTV. I don't know enough about the two to tell you what the differences are other than that.
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    Old monsters we still haven't seen...

    I haven't seen the humble Xvart yet for 3.0 or 3.5. Did I miss it somewhere?
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    Coolest... Feat... Ever...

    Your story reminded me of an old Dark Sun game I played in, where we had a half-giant gladiator who used Weapon Improvisation. It let to some rather memorable quotes, all from one fight. "Does a Juju zombie count as a magical weapon?" "If I deliberately fail my weapon improvisation roll, will...
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    Share the Love: World's Largest Dungeon Edition (ACTIVE!)

    I'm game. avouz at msn.com
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    Most Useless Feat

    Because the good save progression for any class increases dramatically faster than spell save DCs. Thanks to the nerfing of Spell Focus and the like, practically the only way you have of greatly increasing Save DCs is via Heighten Spell. As I've learned time and time again as a DM, tossing a...
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    Serpent Kingdoms - Sarrukh. CR 21?

    I'd agree, except that they make the same "misprint" three times. Once in the Sarruhk monster entry, once in the "Monsters by CR" table, and one of the Sarruhk NPCs is a cleric15 with a CR of 36 (i.e. 15+21) 14d8, with 5 feats (no bonus.)
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    Baldur's Gate 3 and Neverwinter Nights 2 all-but-confirmed by Atari!

    I'll have to admit I'm in the camp of folks who were disappointed that NWN did not implement some of the features of BG. While I grew to love NWN mostly due to its customization, I really missed the NPC party and the interaction with them that your PC could have. I'm hoping NWN2 corrects this...
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    Serpent Kingdoms - Sarrukh. CR 21?

    Did I miss something? The Sarrukh are potent adversaries, but they don't look anywhere near a CR 21 creature. HP: 133 AC: 30 Attack: +23 F/R/W: 9/11/13 SR 20 Fear (DC 21) Poison (DC 22) A few Spell-like abilities, none over 4th level except teleport and wall of force (which are only 1/day.)...
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    Weapon Illustration Sketches

    Awesome work. I love it. Thanks a million, Tetsubo.
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    Planar Handbook: Buying?

    Interesting. I'm the exact opposite. I normally pick up all of WoTC's books, but after seeing the preview material for this one, I lost any and all interest in the book.
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    What metamagic feat can your Arcane caster not live without?

    Heighten Spell is my must have. With the nerfing of Spell Focus and similar feats/class abilities, it's the only way my spellcasters have a snowballs chance of hurting rogues with a fireball.
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    Weapon Illustration Sketches

    I always envisioned it with a lot of sweeping curves around the hilt, sort of like the silver swords that githyanki use. The blade is pretty standard, slightly curved, single edged. Sort of a cleaned up version of the sword held by the githyanki in this pic. Not quite so rugged looking, I...
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    Weapon Illustration Sketches

    Let me add to the accolades here. I've not posted to this thread before, but I've DL'd nearly every weapon in here. Great work. I don't suppose I could submit my own humble request. My namesake character stole a katana/bastard sword from a group of githyanki. Think you could come up with a pic...
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    Warhulk PrC and Epic Levels

    Ugh. Bad idea. Warhulk was clearly designed as an NPC PrC to challenge uppity PCs. Using it in Epic levels for a PC is broken for a lot of reasons, but the key one is Epic Attack Bonus. The balancing factor to the Warhulk is that it has no BAB. None. +0 at every level. But at epic levels, no...
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    Looking for a Miniature...

    How's this? http://www.reapermini.com/gallery/2100s/2154_G I have this mini and I use it for my human ranger/rogue who also uses long sword/short sword.
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    Song of Ice & Fire Discussion:What do you want in the next 3 books? (SPOILERS)

    I'm a bit surprised at all the Dany hatred here. She's my second favorite character (after Tyrion.) I'm also not fond of the younger Stark children (Bran and Rickon) while most folks here are. Like most everyone else, I want bad things to happen to the Freys. My suspicion as to where the...
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    I picked up the basic Silver version of DJ about a week ago, so I can probably answer a few of your questions. The program is very easy to use, and the maps look really good. You can scale your printouts, so if you want 1" grid, you can do that (takes 16 pages to print though), but you can also...