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  1. F

    Your group's tributes to Gary

    My group has already decided we will observe a moment of silence and a toast for our gaming bud who though never joined us in body, was always there in spirit. Afterwards we will be crawling through a dungeon. I can think of no better tribute.
  2. F

    Best Magic Items for a Wildshaping Druid?

    Check the item Wildling Clasp in the MIC. It will likely be what you are after.
  3. F

    Random ideas you never saw through

    For me it would probably be two things topping my list. 1) I came up with a setting to play an episodic game in, each session calculated to be an "episode". Would have been set in a world recovering from a magical world-war and following the exploits of the crew of the Airship Arcanist as it...
  4. F

    Suggest some literary magical traditions

    Addative and Subtractive Magic (Sword of Truth): People are born with an inborn talent to use magic, some rare few can be taught. Magic is produced via force of will and is mostly free-form however complex formulas can be used to make free form and predictable results. Most spell casters use...
  5. F

    Continued Support

    So with the wealth of 4e info we have recieved lately I was wondering. For those of us that enjoy 3.5 have any third party publishers announced plans to continue to produce/support 3.5 material? For that matter is there any information indicating the 3.5 OGL will continue beyond the introduction...
  6. F

    (Quick Request) Name of a Magic Maul

    Call it Law Maul
  7. F

    Five Themes

    Well, I like complex plots with twists and turns galore. To that end here is a sampling of themes from the campaign I have been in for going on 2 years. 1) Revolution Against Established Order 2) Redemption for Past Misdeeds 3) Discovery of Hidden Pasts 4) Exploration of Ancient Sites 5)...
  8. F

    What new species have you created via templates?

    Frankly two of my favorite templates by far are in Book fo Vile Darkness, the Corpse Creature and Skeletal Creature templates. I have tons of medium to high cr creatures for my Ravenloft campaign in no time at all. Best part is they are not mindless undead. I even replaced the main monster in a...
  9. F

    Methods for Handing Out More Feats

    In our campaign we decided that since there is already a feat that gives you 5 skill points then you may use 5 skill points to buy a feat I working out pretty well acctualy, folk who buy lots of feats are balanced out by not being as skilled.
  10. F

    Good Shaman class?

    Spirit Shaman from complete Divine or if you dont mind not having spellcasting try the Totemist from Magic of Incarnum
  11. F

    Giants in the Earth style thread - nominations for subjects

    I have always like the idea of "translating" characters too rather than directly converting to a system so I would like to chime in with: The Characters from the Darksword Novels. The Characters, especially Haplo and Alfred, from the Deathgate novels. The Shanarra characters (the dragon mag...
  12. F

    Is there a 'Casting on the Run' feat?

    Mobile Spellcasting in Complete Adventurer
  13. F

    Help me design two cultures, stat.

    On the Ogers: I would recomend looking at athas.org at the Darksun 3.5 PDF to give your ogers some unique weapons nad equipment made of bone. Also ditto on the ancestor worship. Perhaps even throw the PCs for a loop, if they have never acctualy interacted with the ogers in a meaningful way have...
  14. F

    Need Advice for Expedition to Castle Ravenloft *spoilers*

    Thats not a bad idea acctually. Possibly could even throw in a side story where the druids (perhaps of a less cultured race like orcs or goblins) mistakingly believe Strahd to be a powerful one of thier own kind (since he can turn in to wolves and bats and such) Could be interesting having...
  15. F

    Need Advice for Expedition to Castle Ravenloft *spoilers*

    Hello, I will be soon starting up an expedition to Castle Ravenloft campaign and am looking for some plot/encounter advice. I am going to be running the campaign in a more or less modified version of Greyhawk. The secondary goal/subplot from the adventure I will be using the Strahd creating an...
  16. F

    How do Vampires travel???

    In one campaign I was in a vampire had permanetly enchanted his coffin with Animate Object then equiped it with Wings of Flying. This was an odd campaign come to think of it...
  17. F

    Ranger/Rogue Prestige Class?

    If you really want to do the whole Robin Hood thing look at the Order of the Bow Initiate in Complete Warrior.
  18. F

    Needs more racial books.

    I would love to see see Races of Scale, the guide to Lizardfolk and Troglodytes Races of the Mind for the psionic races would be keen (Eyes Dreamscarred Press) Races of the East would be neat for the Oriental Adventures races (Oh OA, I love you so...yet your support...and people willing to...
  19. F

    The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread!

    Jeeze I had completely forgotten that request. You sir absolutely rock and have perfectly captured Atien! Good show sir good show!
  20. F

    laptops in-game?

    As a player, with DMs permission, I have been using a laptop for about 2 years as a player. We have gotten pretty high level and it makes handling things for the player and DM much easier, so much so he himself bought a laptop. Initially I did find I was more distracted but over time the 'new'...