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Search results

  1. K

    Lone Wolf sends Cease & Desist letters to anyone using the term 'Army Builder'

    One rather salient point which I don't believe has been made (mea culpa if it has) is that in theory Army Builder allows the purchaser to make files for games which will allow him/her/it to build army lists, however in practice the majority (I wouldn't be surprised if it was 99%) of users do not...
  2. K

    WFRP/40K games shut down by GW [merged]

    Unless I'm mistaken Bryan Ansell completely severed all ties with GW 10-15 years ago. (apparently he sold all his shares and used the proceeds to start Wargames Foundry)
  3. K

    Should I allow this magic item (e.g. Is it broken)?

    It would change the feel of the game, but I hardly see it as 'broken'. If your not sure if it'll be broken or not, rather than outright stating that its a charged item when the find it, instead have them roll a d20 every 10th time they use it, then make a note of it on a piece of paper, if...
  4. K

    Magic and Democracy

    Of course eventually someone will figure out that a good way to smear a politician will be to send a dozen apprentice wizards down to try and charm the crowd the other way, as even if people resist they'll come away suspecting the politician.. and eventually someone will get caught doing it, and...
  5. K

    What's the Best RPG Bargain You've Ever Gotten?

    Most of the FFG Legends & Lairs hardbacks for about £4 each. Mint Moldvay starter set complete with dice & crayon sealed in its bag for £8 including P&P. Honourable mention: old Chaosium's fantasy Cities suppliment, picked it up for £3 from a seller on ebay that i'd won several other items...
  6. K

    D&D video games license to Infrogames extended til 2017

    I could have sworn when Activision bought the Heavy Gear license it was a 10 year license with clauses for two optional 5 year extensions
  7. K

    OD&D PDFs at RPGNow

    er.. call me simple, but why would they need to destroy the original? sure they would have trouble with hardbacks and flatbed scanners.. but surely you can still get hand-held scanners? :confused:
  8. K

    Who will take up the Printed Game Magazine challenge?

    er.. i thought it lasted for 50 issues before some smart-a decided to rename the magazine from the highly informative 'White Wolf Magazine' to the nonsensical 'Inphobia' without bothering to tell anyone it beforehand, thereby causing an immediate 85% drop in sales..
  9. K

    Trading commodities in D&D

    I've never had the chance to use it, but the Minrothad Guilds Gazetteer for BD&D had a good trading system akin to the Traveller system ~ its long out of print but only $4.95 from DTRPG
  10. K

    Say it Ain't So! (V for Vendetta movie news)

    i've never read the graphic novel, and had no interest in seeing the film ~ i wound up watching it round a friends and immediately came to the conclusion its one of the best movies ever made.. i know at least half a dozen others who had the same experience (i've not met anyone in real life whose...
  11. K

    What the heck is CircvsMaximvs?

    completely off topic.. but actually that was called Circus Imperium ~ there was an Avalon Hill chariot game called Circus Maximus tho
  12. K

    Only SIX d20/OGL books on island scenario

    1. Star Wars RCR 2. Traveller T20 3. d20 Toolbox 4. Arcana Evolved 5. Iron Heroes 6. Conan
  13. K

    Live near any fantasy-sounding places? List 'em here!

    well okay i'm in England so theres plenty about.. but the one that sticks out like a sore thumb around here is: Gallowstree Common there is also the somewhat oddly named Tutts Clump.. the most notable local locale however is Chapel Row ~ although not really worth mentioning by merit of its...
  14. K

    How is the D&D Boardgame?

    um, that is HeroQuest furniture.. the D&D Boardgame doesnt come with any furniture (unless you count some cardboard pillars and trees) i've got a copy but havent gotten round to playing it or reading the rules.. but some of the dice sure are sweet!
  15. K

    Dice: How often do you buy them?

    usually about every 3-7 weeks, but then i am forever losing them.. and they come in so many different colours.. :heh:
  16. K

    Who Else Has Never Been To Gen Con?

    Never.. hell there used to be a big UK wargames convention 20 minutes down the road and i never managed to get as far as there! :uhoh:
  17. K

    looking for an adventure..

    okay well, basically i have a bunch of players DEMANDING that i run a D&D game for them.. :uhoh: but i'm somewhat rusty as far as DMing goes, i've decided i really want to try running an adventure i found online a while back ~ the setup was that the PCs had all been enslaved by a psionic/magical...
  18. K

    DriveThruRPG banner

    okay i dont really know much about such things, so it might be DriveThru's fault not ENWorlds, but the banner at the top of the page advertising DriveThru includes the ad "Fading Suns 2nd edition ~ Free Download" only, it isnt, its $17.48 ~ which could cause some problems.. (not least of which...
  19. K

    What would you like to see more in RPG stores?

    i shall second everything Crothian said, plus: hot single natural redheaded women who dig bearded trekkies :uhoh: oh and shrink wrapped books, i dont like buying copies people have thumbed through (but they should still have a show copy to thumb through) :heh:
  20. K

    What do you wish was made into a game?

    I was going to say the exact same thing! Firefly.. will only really be of merit if they get Joss Whedon to write expanded background material for it, otherwise all you need is Traveller personally i would love to see an RPG of the Elder Scrolls Setting (the Arena, Daggerfall and Morrowind and...