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  1. N

    How can I make a donations to show appreciation to the new ENWORLD

    I for one am delighted by the new features of the new ENworld. I know that this site has had its financial ups and downs in the past, and I would like to make a donation to the site to show my appreciation for all of the hard work that Morrus, Michael and the whole team have put into making...
  2. N

    How can we add non-combat crunch without mangling the rules?

    I love the base assumptions of D&D. I understand that giving eveyrbody something fun to do in combat is important. I also deeply miss having the ability to make non-combat focussed characters using the rules-set. If you want to create the fast-talking con-man, or super-investigator or any...
  3. N

    D&D 4E Lend your voice! The 4e House Rule Wishlist

    A new edition is an exciting time for rule tinkerers. While we wait for the WOTC fan site policy, I would love to compile the "wish list" form the house-rule forums. This is not so much about mechanics as it is about what you would like to see to make your game better. It is about...
  4. N

    D&D 4E Ninjas and 4e

    Well, since we had a thread yesterday on "piracy" and only makes sense to balance things out. I'm terrified of ninjas. I only hope my 4e books are thick enough to protect me from their gruesome 'throwing stars'...
  5. N

    D&D 4E Early Days of 4e will be a Gearhead's Paradise

    I've seen a bit of chatter on these boards and elsewhere about the 'core' classes that will be exclused from the 4e PHB and the concepts that might be excluded as a result. And, I'm actually rather excited about it. I count myself among those gamers who takes great pleasure with tinkering with...
  6. N

    War of the Burning Sky Players Guide

    I just want to commend Ryan -- and everyone else behind the War of the Burning Sky Campaign for the excellent just released Players Guide. It is useful, interesting, and whets the appetite for the campaign. I know there are ususally two points to these kinds of free products. First -- as a...
  7. N

    D&D - Iron Heroes...between the poles

    So I bought Iron Heroes...haven't played it, but liked it. However I have a niggling suspicion that, for the kind of games I like to play, it might overcompensate for a low magic world. I'm one of those who can't stand the D&D overreliance on magic items. On first glance Iron Heroes...
  8. N

    Most (and least) interesting RPG books to read?

    So I'm going on vaccation in a few days, while concurrently my gaming group will be going on hiatus (again). It occured to me while I was packing that maybe I should pack an RPG book or two...not because I'll actually be using them anytime soon, but because I realized they were fun to read in...
  9. N

    How would you market D&D? A Hypothetical exercise

    Being impressed by the business acumen shown by many on these boards, I thought I would pose the following question regarding the future of D&D. Just say Hasbro appoints you to be VP of marketing at WOTC. You're particularly charged with expanding the base of the Dungeons and Dragons...
  10. N

    Action does Eberron differ from Unearthed Arcana

    I'm thinking about picking up Eberron here. One of the rule features I really like is the idea of Action Points, first in D20 modern, and then UA. I'm told that the Eberron campaign setting does some cool stuff with Action Points, and this might be the rules 'crunch' tipping point for picking...
  11. N

    Best non-combat Base/Prestige classes

    As a fan of D&D/D20 I really appreciate the wealth of material that's out there to play with. However, this does not keep me from noticing a few annoying gaps that make my life as DM somewhat annoying. One of these gaps is the tendency of many D20 publishers to try to shoehorn combat-related...
  12. N

    Unexpected synergy between different RPG products

    Reading a couple of recent posts, the following occured to me. A great thing about d20 has been finding different products -- from different writers -- by different publishers -- that mesh together really well. When used together these products create possiblities beyond either author's...
  13. N

    TORG d20 (and any other 'lost systems' you'd like to see)

    I was having a discussion with a buddy of mine who I used to game with back in the day when we had a lot more time for such pursuits, and he reminded me of the game Torg put out by, I believe West End Games in the early 1990's. We only tried it a couple of times due to some mechanical wonkiness...