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  1. Qualir

    Why should a campaign end?

    I end campaigns all the time. Once a particular stroy arc ends, the campaign ends. Players can usually utilize the same character in the next campign. This is just like in novels that have multiple trilogies (or quintets) that focus on the same group (David Eddings: The Belgariad + The...
  2. Qualir

    Why Villainous Rants?

    I never have a problem when delivering the final villainous rant to my players. Most of us used to play with the same DM, who great storyteller but he always wanted to win :mad: . To accomplish his evil ends, the DM would declare that the party was attacked by boxed text. Once I started DMing...
  3. Qualir

    What details do you miss from older editions?

    1. Books that were still useful after 5 years. 2. All the wonderful not-so-crunchy material printed for reading enjoyment. 3. Planescape. The art was fabulous. 4. The lack of ECLs. Most ECL races are not worth it beyond the first few levels. Paying for effective levels without getting such...
  4. Qualir

    Zariel, former lord of the First

    I'd model her somewhat after the thing that took over Fred on "Angel."
  5. Qualir

    "And as a gift- I present you with this eyelash!"

    Wow, I hope they actually let the guy be truly and finally deseased before carving him up. I imagine that he will find it quite difficult to arrange resurrection for himself, I mean, talk about being worth more dead than alive! I would think that sanctified objects would offer abilities similar...
  6. Qualir

    Handing out XP in your campaigns

    Actually, I know that I am cheating and giving out session awards :cool:
  7. Qualir

    Hot Dark Elven Action (NPC and Plot Help)

    Before you actually allow the PCs to escape, you could have them tricked into joining a false escape attempt. This seems like the type of thing that those chaotic evil dark elves would enjoy. Give the pathetic slaves a glimpse of hope. Allow that glimpse to blossom into an undeniable dream. Make...
  8. Qualir

    Why do you choose to play d20 games?

    D&D is my first love when it comes to RPGs. I enjoy fanasy and no other game system says fantasy to me like D&D. In fact, every other fantasy game I have ever played seemed to pale in comparison to D&D. Can you tell that I really like D&D? I do enjoy other RPG genres, especially superheroes but...
  9. Qualir

    What level do you start your campaign at?

    Every DM in my group, including myself, starts the players at 2nd level. We began doing this in AD&D 1E for reasons of survivability (you magic-user cast his magic missile,wounding the orc-the orc hit your mage with a dagger,killing your magic-user). We continue to this day becouse its still D&D...
  10. Qualir

    So. 3E/3.5E, is it still D&D to you?

    I started playing D&D with AD&D 1E. I loved the game, maybe even as much as Diaglo. I enjoyed 2E, but I didn't see any logic behind many changes it introduced (They blew up Greyhawk?) With 3(.5)E I can actually see the logic in many, if not most, of the changes. It is like 1E was a confident and...
  11. Qualir

    Would you game through a nuclear war?

    Yes. If I have to die, I might as well die happy :) Of course, there are some things that prevent gaming (work, school, virgins in the nuclear war not wanting to die that way ;) , etc)
  12. Qualir

    Your CHARACTERS carry magic dueling cards?

    I always wondered about a sure fire scheme that would allow me to rip off the PCs. ;) In a world full of "lost" hordes of "unimaginable wealth," the whole CTCG and CMG might actually be affordable :)
  13. Qualir

    Ultimate Gaming Central - What would YOU build with $100 Million?

    1. My own RPG design company, or just talk Hasbro into selling off the D20 system if possible. 2. An elaborate gaming/office building capable of serving as a convention sight. 3. Hire back all the good designers and artists that TSR/WOTC lost/firede/P'd off. 4. Sit back and enjoy those...
  14. Qualir

    Things that annoy your PCs?

    I find that PC paladins tend to have a slight problem when the NPC bard says, "why yes Mr Paladin, that pink full plate armor definitely sets off the color of your eyes." This is especially ircsome when followed with a suggestive wink :) Having the NPC cleric say, "Long live the queen." after...
  15. Qualir

    The 213 Things Skippy is No Longer Allowed to Do in the U.S. Army

    Someone should make up the ENWorld version of this. My God that was hilarious. :)
  16. Qualir

    Are you a "loose" DM?

    I almost siad this, but thought it was just too easy :)
  17. Qualir

    Low Magic: Alternatives to "every other" spellcasting levels?

    Please let me know how the generic class campaign goes. I have been toying with the idea and would like to take some actual testimony to my players (they so hate anything new and different unless someone besides me recommends it) :(
  18. Qualir

    Help me swing my players away from clerics

    Having read all the posts to date, as well as previously posting myself, I have to agree with some of the statements made. 1. Nerfing a class is not "the best" route to take. Such an action is likely to cause friction between the players and DM. Please note that minor changes to a class, such...
  19. Qualir

    Do *Players* like to buy magic items?

    As a player i have to say NO. There are two reasons for this. 1. I tend to play spellcasters, so the rest of the party always seems to be pestering me to create an item for them. They are always willing to pay, the creation cost but not the market value. I have no idea why they always believe...
  20. Qualir

    Anyone ever try this: Hey-hey, we're the Monk-ees...

    I have tried to sell my players on this idea since Exalted Deeds presented innate abilities based on vows. The VoP gives pretty good so that the impoverished guys can compete in levels where magic is somewhat required. One of the players actually likes the general idea but has probs with the...