• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. J

    Anti-Minion Tactics

    From looking through some of the material, a number of minions look the same as their higher level counterparts, so picking the right opponents to curse (or cleave or whatever) is a less than exact science.
  2. J

    WotC_Shoe: He DM's, but his pc's don't fight!

    Very well done (on both sides of the DM screen)!
  3. J

    D&D 4E Raiders of Oakhurst Reloaded -- Free 4E Adventure (Ennie Nominated!)

    Our 3.5 group ran the basic Raiders quest last night. A couple of thoughts-- 1) Thank you for your time & energy in putting this together. I'm confident many, many of us will run this adventure in preparation for 4e! 2) If one of the goals of WOTC was to give each character something...
  4. J

    Monks Underpowered?

    Monks and +1 gauntlets If a monk in my campaign were to put on +1 gauntlets, my response would be: "Fine. However, you lose your flurry of blows ability and your increased damage". My reasoning is monks do more than simply punch. They strike with feet, knees, elbows, and head-butts...
  5. J

    Monks Underpowered?

    I've played a half-orc monk from 1st level up through 16th level and have found the monk a very playable character. As folks mentioned earlier, it is important to have the right niche into which the monk can fit. By no means should the monk be the party's number one fighter. However, the monk...
  6. J

    Turning undead questions

    OK--Thank you both very much!
  7. J

    Turning undead questions

    Good Morning, I've recently started playing a game with a new character who is currently a 1/1 Cleric/Paladin (each character from the campaign had to start with one level in cleric. My plan is to simply continue advancing in Paladin). One of my feats is Extra Turning. When I attain 4th...
  8. J

    Dms keeping player experience points secret

    One of our DMs does experience points this way-- Start at 1st level: End of one session, advance to 2nd level 2nd level: end of two sessions, advance to 3rd level. 3rd level and beyond: advance every third session. Basically....
  9. J

    How do you recharge your gaming battery?

    Have you played in any games recently? That usually helps me when I'm tired of DMing. Here's sending you positive vibes!
  10. J

    Wierdest place you've ever gamed

    In the car while driving to the airport. We had flown to California (from NJ) to play D&D with some friends. In order to make our flight AND finish the adventure, we had to play in the car. As a side note, the driver was the DM. Great stuff!
  11. J

    Suggestions to have players play a Cleric.

    There are six of us in our group. When starting a new campaign/adventure (incidentally--we usually start off as 1st-3rd level characters and play until 9thish before starting again), having someone play the cleric is always a chore. I like playing a cleric because of their versatility...am I...
  12. J

    Rebuke Undead--Alternative uses?

    On page 160 of the PHB, it says under Other Uses for Positive or Negative Energy, "Positive or negative energy may have uses other than affecting undead. For example, a holy site might be guarded by a magic door that opens for any good cleric who can make a turning check high enough to affect a...
  13. J

    What class can you not bring yourself to play?

    While I'll play any class, I can't/won't play Evil... I'll even play a bard, but I've found it to be a pretty weak class. Effective given the proper party support...
  14. J

    rapid shot with manyshot: do they stack?

    Off the top of my head, no--they don't stack. Rapid shot is a full round action while Many Shot is a standard action. I've got no rule to quote as support, but rapid shotting your many shot seems pretty cheesy! (grin)
  15. J

    What was the first monster you killed in D&D?

    Circa 1979--original boxed set. I believe the rulebook had a light blue cover...there was a dungeon included in it. I put down "other" because I am pretty confident my character's first kill was a giant rat. I'm sure my PC got a disease from its bite! Twenty-six years later, my characters...
  16. J

    Grappling a stunned opponent

    This situation came up the other day--The PC missed a saving throw and, as a result, was stunned for a number of rounds. Sensing the opportunity, the PC's opponent initiated a grapple with the stunned PC. Under "stunned", the PHB says: "A stunned creature drops everything held, can't take...
  17. J

    Dragon Disciple Sword & Bite Attack

    Nift and Someone--Thank you so much for your speedy responses. Exactly what I was looking for! --Jeb McDonald
  18. J

    Dragon Disciple Sword & Bite Attack

    My greatsword wielding Sorc1/Fighter4 just advanced to 6th level and earned her 1st level in Dragon Disciple. Once she gains 2nd level DD and picks up her bite and claw attacks, I'd like to be able to use the greatsword as her primary weapon and the bite as a secondary attack. At the moment...
  19. J

    Cleave questions

    My apologies if this has been covered. Didn't find anything when I searched... Two orcs attempt to rush past Bob the fighter to get to the wizard. Assuming Bob isn't flat footed, he takes an AoO against one of the orcs and kills it. May Bob now take his cleave attack against the other...
  20. J

    D&D 3E/3.5 Skill point adjustments to 3.5 D&D

    What I've done (and may have gotten the idea from the ENWorld site) is to eliminate cross-class skill costs while keeping the maximum ranks in a cross class skill equal to half the max ranks of a class skill. Thus, a fighter can pick up a rank of Knowledge (religion) for only one skill point...