• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Mr Gone

    Fighters vs mages at high level.

    Well really, the fighter can win with some basic stragedy provided that he wins iniative and that there is no prep before the fight. You see, a wizard that can't buff before a fight usualy gets slaughtered. take this from a DM. An archer build who wins iniative can nearly lock a wizard down by...
  2. Mr Gone

    Am I a cruel DM?

    I was GMing with a bunch of friends, and for the first game of a WoD campaign, I had them all make up new, intricately designed characters. I was really impressed with the level of forethought they all showed, and they had their characters have elaborate, fleshed out relationships with one...
  3. Mr Gone

    Help me kill Darmanicus & Friends!

    High Lvl monks with Antimagic shell centered on them is a fine way to get around excessive buffs. High lvl Psionic Monks with antimagic shell centered on them, if magic and psionics are different, will just hurt you players feelings.
  4. Mr Gone

    What the heck is "First Edition Feel"?

    Mind you, bashing 1st ed as being inferior to later editions is like bashing an oxcart for being inferior to a Dodge Ram truck. You need to have the oxcart, from a line of development standpoint. Yes, 1st ed D&D seems extremely illogical by the viewpoint of the modern gamer. Forgive it. The...
  5. Mr Gone

    Your Favorite Fake Sci-Fi Profanity

    Pirates of Dark water had two that I remember, pardon the spelling Noi Jeatat (angry frustration) Chungo lungo (Sudden surprise)
  6. Mr Gone

    Races of Destiny: Anyone got it?

    Sharakim? Seen print before?
  7. Mr Gone

    OK we know the Sorcerer is Broken, How would you fix him

    I keep it simple. I give Sorcerrers bonus feats with the same progression as Wizards.
  8. Mr Gone

    Why does Undead=Evil

    Mechanicaly, creating undead is an evil act because such spells in the PHB have the evil descriptor. Good aligned clerics are completely unable to cast such spells, and I would not think it unreasonble to prohibit Good aligned Arcane Spellcasters from doing so. As for the body and what it...
  9. Mr Gone

    Your biggest screw-up as a DM?

    This wasnt a error on my part but a humerous dice disaster. It was a game of Changeling and the characters ended up in a cave along with a large dragon. I botched the Initative roll for the first 3 rounds straight, so the Dragon got no actions. I had the Dragon just giving a heart villian laugh...
  10. Mr Gone

    The dangers of DnD

    I did have a Elven Assasin named Blackleaf in homage. The name is just too good.
  11. Mr Gone

    Why didn't Eberron click?

    Were I not running my own game world, I would be very tempted to run Eberron. I appreciate that it trys to address the effect that magic would have on a culture and society for the average citizen instead of just adventurers and power NPCs.
  12. Mr Gone

    Help my Dragons find their Motivation

    Alternately, you could have the two dragons be of realitively equal power, and be intense rivals. The maguffin could just be the sign of who currently has the upperhand, and realy not do much of anything. this minimises the temptation for the players to try and keep the object.
  13. Mr Gone

    My Paladin killed a child molester (and now my DM wants to take away my powers!)

    Well, the act in and of it self would be best defined as a Neutral Good act. Its a good act that defys the rule of law, but it is a just act, so its not a chaotic good act. Now, can a Paladin lose his status by performing a single Neutral Good act? no, only if a number of act indicate an...
  14. Mr Gone

    What details do you miss from older editions?

    Morale is the big one for me.
  15. Mr Gone

    Help me develop a mythology

    Why are all the Paragons positive members of society? Some negative archtypes, such as criminals ect, are a part of society also.
  16. Mr Gone

    Simpsons Comic Book Guy = Modern Day Gamer?

    I know this man. His name is Dennis. I swear to God. dead ringer. scarry.
  17. Mr Gone

    Looking for Technomancer base class

    Hi there, Im building a new D&D campaign from the ground up, and Im looking for a Technomancer style class, one with a complete 20 levels. I figure that Ebberon will have something, as will Iron Kingdoms (some day in the distant future). But I was curious if there was anything out there that...