• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Leorix

    D&D 5E More Unique Familiars (House Rule, would love feedback!)

    4e familiars were added in the supplemental book, Arcane Power (p.137), not the PHB. Even then you had to take the special Arcane Familiar feat to acquire one. A nice extra feature was the sidebar on page 141 titled 'Familiar Quirks' which gave examples of how to customise your familiar a...
  2. Leorix

    D&D 4E Best Resources for 4E Products?

    I love this 4E database: Offline Compendium
  3. Leorix

    D&D 5E How to Use "Charm Person" Without Getting Caught

    I like to combine 'friends' or 'charm person' with 'disguise self' or use of a disguise kit. Target will get angry, but at a non-existent persona.
  4. Leorix

    D&D 5E List of Saving Throw Boosts

    Robe of Stars Luck Blade Staff of Power Blackstaff Stone of Good Luck
  5. Leorix

    Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks!

    Good to know.
  6. Leorix

    Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks! 1

    Due to the lack of any useful/complete bookmarks in the basic rules pdf, I've decided to bookmark the spell lists and descriptions thoroughly so that finding the spell details is a breeze. Enjoy! The first draft covers the cantrips and level 1 cleric & wizard spells with more to follow soon...
  7. Leorix

    Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks! - Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks!

    Due to the lack of any useful/complete bookmarks in the basic rules pdf, I've decided to bookmark the spell lists and descriptions thoroughly so that finding the spell details is a breeze. Enjoy! The first draft covers the cantrips and level 1 cleric & wizard spells with more to follow soon...
  8. Leorix

    Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks! - Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks!

    Due to the lack of any useful/complete bookmarks in the basic rules pdf, I've decided to bookmark the spell lists and descriptions thoroughly so that finding the spell details is a breeze. Enjoy! The first draft covers the cantrips and level 1 cleric & wizard spells with more to follow soon...
  9. Leorix

    Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks! - Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks!

    Due to the lack of any useful/complete bookmarks in the basic rules pdf, I've decided to bookmark the spell lists and descriptions thoroughly so that finding the spell details is a breeze. Enjoy! The first draft covers the cantrips and level 1 cleric & wizard spells with more to follow soon...
  10. Leorix

    Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks! - Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks!

    Due to the lack of any useful/complete bookmarks in the basic rules pdf, I've decided to bookmark the spell lists and descriptions thoroughly so that finding the spell details is a breeze. Enjoy! The first draft covers the cantrips and level 1 cleric & wizard spells with more to follow soon...
  11. Leorix

    Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks! - Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks!

    Due to the lack of any useful/complete bookmarks in the basic rules pdf, I've decided to bookmark the spell lists and descriptions thoroughly so that finding the spell details is a breeze. Enjoy! The first draft covers the cantrips and level 1 cleric & wizard spells with more to follow soon...
  12. Leorix

    Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks!

    I have just uploaded Basic Rules Spells with Bookmarks! to the downloads area. Due to the lack of any useful/complete bookmarks in the basic rules pdf, I've decided to bookmark the spell lists and descriptions thoroughly so that finding the spell details is a breeze. Enjoy! The first draft...
  13. Leorix

    Speeding up combat: Ditching the Damage rolls.

    I have been DMing for ages and when we moved to playing 4e we felt encounters were taking too long as well. Initially that was due to not being familiar with the system but even afterwards it still could take 3-4 hours per normal encounter. We even lost a player because he felt bored waiting for...
  14. Leorix

    Multiclassing question

    The feat would be Skill Training. Published in Player's Handbook 1, page(s) 201, Player Essentials 1, page(s) 317. Also, if you use Backgrounds from PHB2, you could choose one like "Geography - Mountains" and gain training in Dungeoneering for free.
  15. Leorix

    How do you handle players who arrive late and players who leave early?

    I believe it all depends on how you relate to your hobby. In the early years as a player I played in games where the date & time were set haphazardly (usually at the end of the current session). I found it frustrating and it caused many problems because the players didn't have diaries with them...
  16. Leorix

    [4e] Combat Tracker Utility

    You assign conditions by opening the Statblock Library and editing the creature. Then select the Generated Effects tab and add any effect or condition you may need to use. As for dice rolling, the program can roll initiative and saves but not attacks & damage.
  17. Leorix

    2006 ENnie Awards Fans' Choice Nominations Thread

    I nominate RPGAttitude for their fantastic NPC Designer software.
  18. Leorix

    What ever happened to Dark Portal Games?

    Hi, I was wondering what ever happened to Dark Portal Games, publishers of the White Robes Black Hearts adventure modules? I would appreciate if someone can shed some light for me.
  19. Leorix

    Psionics and You

    Thanks for the welcome, Francisca. My players thought it interesting in 2e and some even tried it but they soon lost interest. It was only through my encouragement that someone was willing to try the 3e version and now he loves his Psion (Savant). One thing that is a problem is the lack of...
  20. Leorix

    Psionics and You

    Well, what do you know, this is my very first post! I've liked the concept of Psionics since 2e but it was hard to implement and my players struggled with the whole MAC & MTHAC0. Now with 3e it's much better and one of my players has a Psion which he's raised from 1st level through to 10th so...