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  1. dpdx

    Retromud banner trouble loading/lag

    I'm sure they're cool and all, but their banner ad, at a minimum, takes about twice as long sometimes as the entire rest of the page to load (this on broadband cablemodem). The last time I was "lucky" enough to be served the retromud banner, it 404'ed out, sorta (red x). The lag is beginning to...
  2. dpdx

    Personal Messaging disabled?

    I'm pretty sure I set the preferences to allow PMing, and I'm a Community Supporter, so why have my last three PMs (all to different people) failed? It's one thing to say I'm just not set right, or repeat the rest of the information that's on the "PM failed" page (which I almost know by heart)...
  3. dpdx

    Can Members edit their posts?

    I never gave it much thought, since I edit my posts all the time, but a few members of my PbP game are not Community Supporters, and one has told me he cannot edit his own post. Is there a restriction for Members in that regard? Can't they edit their own posts?
  4. dpdx

    Star Wars Episode 2.1q: The Fall of Eraydia (RIP)

    Starring: - Pbartender as Dobradenn, Xexto Gunslinger and Big Game Hunter; - DonAdam as Ka Jor, Cerean Jedi Consular and Healer; - maddmic as Pog, Human Fringer and 'retired' Pod Racer; - Toric_Arthendain as Kerracor, Wookiee Scout and Spacer; - Jaik as Hiru Hanachi, Human Scoundrel and Card...
  5. dpdx

    [OOC] Star Wars: The Fall of Eraydia

    Around the beginning of June, I'll be firing up Adventure One of the Unifying Force Adventure Series: The Fall of Eraydia. This will be my first shot at DMing PbP, and at DMing SWRPG. You have been warned. :) If this doesn't scare you, read on: The Fall of Eraydia is set on (you guessed it!)...
  6. dpdx

    SW: At what level should PCs be able to buy a ship?

    I'm in a quandary. I'm fixing to write a series of adventures for the Star Wars RPG universe (and share them, to the extent that I can), and I want a good chunk of it to be filled with exciting, harrowing space travel. I have ideas for what I want to do with that section of it, but my problem...
  7. dpdx

    SW: Coruscant - yay!

    So after much wailing, threats, and gnashing of teeth, my copy of Coruscant and the Core Worlds arrives at the giant chain bookstore yesterday, where I purchase it with the big honking gift card within 2 hours of its arrival. And it's so good -- I read it on the bus to work, and most other...
  8. dpdx

    Game Stores in Vegas?

    I'm needing a little help from Las Vegas gamers or gamers who have gone to Vegas (and remembered where there was a store): I'm going there in early April and I'd really like to hook up with an FLGS in the area, in case (horror of horrors) I actually win. I'm the kind of guy who likes to walk out...
  9. dpdx

    Wizards: Hurry up already!

    Dear Wizards: Since I've read reviews on it already, I know that all the beautiful people have their advance copies of "Coruscant and the Core Worlds." But the rest of us (okay, ME) need that book to show up, and we (I) need it to show up NOW. At a Barnes and Noble, so I can use this gift...
  10. dpdx

    Heal spells at +1 Caster level

    Maybe I'm just dense, but... I have a cleric PC in the IC threads who has Healing domain (Cleric1 of Pelor). The definition of the Healing domain says "casts Healing spells at caster level +1." Now, he gets cantrips and first-level spells (CMW, CLW) straight out the box, and CMW always heals 1...
  11. dpdx

    When to Rage

    I DMed my first time with my usual group of players, who were playing new classes, one of whom created a barbarian. During the final combat of the adventure, the barbarian engaged in melee with an orcish cleric of Gruumsh 3, took damage, and eventually went down. The player never raged her...
  12. dpdx

    Commentary on Morrus' trip to Gen Con

    So, who else has the song running through their head?