• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. rei jin

    Paranoia XP - opinions?

    i've just invested in Paranoia XP and i have to say it's one of the funniest RPG's i've ever seen. Does anyone here have it, and if so, any opinions on play or experiences you've had would be appreciated. i'm hoping to add this to our list of games to play between Dungeon sections (WLD) as a...
  2. rei jin

    Build: Human Barbarian Damage Machine

    feats:- power attack improved critical:- mercurial greatsword power critical:- mercurial greatsword exotic prof:- mercurial greatsword weapon focus:- mercurial greatsword go for a +3 admantine mercurial greatsword (2d6, 20x4 crit) other items are +4 mithril fullplate +4 belt of strength +2...
  3. rei jin

    Does Vow of Poverty have Epic benefits?

    here's a cut and paste of it, i copied it earlier ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21st Level: AC bonus + 11, Resistance + 4, True Strike once per day, Spell immunity to one...
  4. rei jin

    Classic Lines from Players

    just read my sig. needless to say i still get ribbed about it.
  5. rei jin

    Destroy a City Contest: Taking Submissions

    dwarven destruction heya guys, this is how i would destroy a city using a neutral team with only 3.5 books of PHB, MM, DMG and Complete Warrior / Divine CN dwarven druid 7 / stormlord 10 CN dwarven druid 7/ stormlord 10 CN dwarven barbarian 7 / stonelord 10 CN dwarven barbarian 7 / stonelord...
  6. rei jin

    Does D&D and alcohal mix?

    alcohol and playing can mix, it's excessive alcohol and playing that doesn't. if people drink until they can't see straight, then it kills the game. even worse, they knock their drinks over, ruining character sheets and *gulp* books! (yes,i had this happen once, needless to say the guilty player...
  7. rei jin

    Good Multiclass options for a Barbarian

    a chaotic neutral bard/ druid absolutely rocks, just imagine the power of a raging legendary bear, enlarged with animal growth and augmented with bulls strength, along with companions and summons. no-one will stand up to that.
  8. rei jin

    Blackdirge's Suped Up Monster Thread: Monster Column Updated 06/26/06!

    don't suppose there's anything in your bag of tricks more dangerous than the God-Eater? that thing left me gibbering in the corner! i want more insanity!!! but seriously, do you have anything more powerful?
  9. rei jin

    UA: GESTALT Characters..anybody try this yet?

    the only real problem with gestalt characters comes in with psionics 3.5. in 3.5 they advise that all multiclass psionics can pool their powerpoints if they have them from multiple sources, and use them to cast any power they know, from either class. for example, a psion/wilder gestalt gets...
  10. rei jin

    Vorpal Vs Fortification

    generally, if you want to know what fortification does, just look at what you can't hit something with that's immune to criticals fortification protects against sneak attack critical hits flaming/icy/acid/lightning burst on crit vorpal hits energy drain on critical etc,etc. basically treat...
  11. rei jin

    Need some plot help (yea, again)

    oh and BTW what is your party level and makeup? it can make things a bit easier to know what to work with. thanks
  12. rei jin

    Need some plot help (yea, again)

    what about.... the demon will pay the boss of the slaad for the work of his minions by giving him invulnerability. (epic spell or something like that) as the slaad have been travelling around and finding the shards, the dead god of chaos has been whispering to them about the gem, about it's...
  13. rei jin

    gamers in sydney australia

    heya, we've got an experienced D&D group, just moving from 3.0 to 3.5 and we'd like an extra player (or two) to join in the fun. doesn't matter how crazy you are, i'm sure you'd fit in just fine. any takers?
  14. rei jin

    Swashbuckling plot help! (My Players Out!)

    try this for an idea:- both are looking for work, hear about a job through the thieves guild. job is to steal said voodoo bone from a well-to-do mansion on the other side of town. both take up the job, unaware that the other has taken it up as well. both go to break into the mansion on the...
  15. rei jin

    Sorcerer PRCs

    i know it's called ArchMage, but sorceror works really well for it, especially if your DM is allowing metamagic rods, or a metamagic varient rule. i had one before who was unstoppable.
  16. rei jin

    Deep down inside, do you eagerly anticipate a TPK?

    weeeeellllll.... normally after a TPK, i explain to the players why they died, how they died, and ask them what they thought. we do all our dice roles on the table, none are hidden, so they know i didn't fudge anything. then i tell them the ECL, and how i got that ECL. then, we rewind time to...
  17. rei jin

    Deep down inside, do you eagerly anticipate a TPK?

    in our group, im the only person to DM who has had any TPK's. we all DM from time to time (there are 4 of us) and so far i've caused about 4-5 TPK's on the last 2 years, and not even with hard challenge ratings. often playing an enemy as it's intelligence and wisdom allows (yes, we're talking...
  18. rei jin

    What's the tone of your campaign?

    my current campaign is based around norse mythology, and as such has a lot of contrasts in it. the characters can do pretty much whatever they want, but they are accountable for their actions. it's light hearted at times, but people have an alarming tendancy to die in amusing ways ( i allowed...