Search results

  1. Sigdel

    I am looking for a monster from Dragon mag

    I am looking for a specific monster that I think was in Dragon magazine during the 3e era. It was a massive dragon like monster with two heads. One red, and one blue. It also had a thing for magic items, either destroying or collecting them. It did this trough a very effective detection ability...
  2. Sigdel

    A survey for my writing class.

    I am doing a survey for my college writing class on bullying. I have decided to survey the gaming community to see the response. The data collected will be used to write a report. If you would be so kind as to take the survey and possibly send it to anyone else that may be interested i would be...
  3. Sigdel

    Immortal character sheet?

    Ever since I got my grubby little mitts on the Wrath of the Immortals boxed set and Dark Dungeons retro clone I have been wondering: Did anybody make an immortal character sheet? So thats my question. I have done several google searches and checked out the Mystara fan sight Vaults of Pandius...
  4. Sigdel

    D&D 5E 02/08/13 New playtest packet to released today. [Udate: PACKAGE OUT!][

    Lets not forget that now everyone gets +10 to 2-3 knowledge skills of choice. Making it so that anybody stands to make those DC20-25's at 1st level
  5. Sigdel

    D&D 5E Two things I like about D&DNext

    1) Skill Dice. I like the added randomness and the newness-to-D&D of it. 2) Stat Caps for PC's. For PC's it's a great idea, but I am having issues seeing a tarrasque with a str of 30. Seems like the carrying load for it would be too low.
  6. Sigdel

    D&D 4E Strongholds, Followers, and Domains in 4e

    Sorry to necro this thread but I have been looking for these rules for the last few months. I first saw them a few years ago and at the time they were not what I was looking for, but now that they are what I would like to use, I find the link-path that Khuxan posted a dead end. So I am asking...
  7. Sigdel

    Artifact style kingdom rules

    What I was looking for looked just like the stages used for 4e artifacts. It was a doc that some one created and I could of sworn that I downloaded it.
  8. Sigdel

    Artifact style kingdom rules

    Last year I ran across rules for running a domain that mimicked the 4e style of artifacts. I thought I downloaded them but apparently I did not. does anyone know of the rules that I am speaking of or of something similar? My PC are going to come in to power of a real fixer-upper portion of land...
  9. Sigdel

    D&D 5E I Love D&D Next, But ...

    I see promise in the playtest but the first round left my group flat. I think we will give it another go once it gets more substance.
  10. Sigdel

    Menzoberranzan: City of Intrigue supplement releases today

    I picked it up a 9 days ago at my FLGS. Odd.
  11. Sigdel

    Kalamazoo MI group looking for 1-2 players.

    Recently we lost two of our regular players due to growing outside obligations. As such we are looking to fill the empty spots at the table. The RPG's ran by me, the DM, are as follows: D&D 4e D&D Next Gamma World (the most recent one) A sci-fantasy game that uses Gamma World as the base...
  12. Sigdel

    Character Sheet Needed

    Hey, Does anybody know of a character sheet that can be easily altered? I am looking to start a Gamma World fantasy game. Preferably for Word. I need to make alterations to the skill lists and other minor tweeks that I cant do to the sheets I have found.
  13. Sigdel

    D&D 5E 5e Skills - Why I Think a Defined Skill List Would Be Better

    I agree 100%. As a DM a list of the most used skills and ways to tweek them is exactly what I want. I just hate it when the flow gets disrupted when I am trying to think what to call the check that needs to be made. Just give me names, descriptions, and possible uses and I turn it, flip it, and...
  14. Sigdel

    D&D 5E 5e Skills - Why I Think a Defined Skill List Would Be Better

    I have no problem with the players improvising skill usage, as long as it makes sense. But I would like a list of the most used skills so that I know what to call for as a DM. It's irritating when I am looking for the right skill and the game just tells me, "Make crap up." When I want to use...
  15. Sigdel

    Money Issues

    Thank you guys for the great posts! You have some really great ideas here! I would like to see a system that separates the PC's and their GP with tangible benefits but without being an arbitrary upkeep system. And of course keep it simple.
  16. Sigdel

    Money Issues

    No, you got me wrong. I am not advocating magic item shops by any means. I like the idea of flat math and magic items make you special, not on-par. But as it stands I don't see as big of a drive for wealth collection as in previous editions. I am interested to see in what they come up with.
  17. Sigdel

    Money Issues

    I was thinking about this the other day. In previous editions one of the driving forces behind GP collection was so you could buy magic items to stay on par with the difficulty curve of monsters. But with the flat math (which I love) of D&DN and the core assumption that magic items cant be...
  18. Sigdel

    D&D 5E Our 5 Session Playtest

    If you have to roll to hit with Magic Missile it should do more damage than a dagger thrown by a kobold. It should become 1d6+int.
  19. Sigdel

    Per-Encounter Powers

    just for clarity sakes, what do you mean by re-writing? It all depends on the intent of the adventure. KotB was a sandbox adventure. When I converted it I kept that in mind. I did not scale the adventure to challenge the PC's. When I started the adventure I warned them that this was not to...
  20. Sigdel

    Per-Encounter Powers

    My players went in to it at a bit higher level then the module expects. So I was able to keep the numbers the same in the first few caves. Also they learned early on that violence is not the only solution. When the elf ranger strolled up to the barricade that the kobolds set up in the main room...