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Search results

  1. M

    Runic Art

    I am looking for some symbols to be used as a backdrop for a magic system I am working on. Based off of the four elements. The imagry should be simple, yet descriptive. No 3d artwork or flash. A simple square image with a basic design of the spells title. The symbols will be approximately 2" by...
  2. M

    ShadowLight's Adventures in Hirst Arts

    So I have a question that hasn't really been brought up. How much do these molds weight after they are finished. For instance you create enough molds to have a decent amount for a good dungen crawl... how much will all of these molds weight? And how difficult would they be to transport them to...
  3. M

    ShadowLight's Adventures in Hirst Arts

    Good job. Looks far easier than I had imagined as well. Can't wait to see your results.
  4. M

    House Races

    Thats pretty much what I expected. I didn't want to try to copy a format from PHP or another source book but I guess I can just add my own flair. Great info guys thanks.
  5. M

    House Races

    I need some advice on defining some houe rules information. I am setting up an entire campaign in a world of my own design using races of my own. History is complete and in depth. Now I am at the stage of detailing the races listed. Now my question is, how much/ how little information do I need...
  6. M

    World shattering events-That the PCs ignore

    Being that I am with a group that has been in the same campaign for going on 5 years now with the same characters, and relatively the same players for the entire time I can add something that happened to my group. After one of the 'adventures' that the group was on, we decided to get some down...
  7. M

    Hewdamia, The History of

    Odhran was impressed with some of the other Gods additions to the world. Mainly Kiamana and Horatius. Odhran continued with one step further by creating the different types of vegetation in the world. Filling it with trees, plants, all manor of growth to populate the world and let it grow on its...
  8. M

    Hewdamia, The History of

    The Jester advised me to put this up in here not knowing if it was appropiate for the Story Hour forum. What follows is a history of the world I am running in my home campaign. It is 100% home brewed with no artificial flavor added. This is just the history, nothing added in of rules, race...
  9. M

    Hewdamia : Legends

    Well it is a story of the world's history... but not very entertaining in the story sense. I will throw it up in General and see what people say there and if the masses say to put it in here I will. Oh thanks for the hello btw.
  10. M

    Hewdamia : Legends

    Before I even get started on this I want to ask a question to make it perfectly clear that this post is in the correct forum. While what I want to put here is not a story of a gaming session it is the story of the world I am working on for a campaign. This world is of my design and I wanted to...
  11. M

    Explanation Help

    Cool, thats a nice little read there.
  12. M

    Explanation Help

    I like that tattoo idea. As wel las your avatar, I need ot go read yesterday's comic from OOTS. Thanks for reminding me.
  13. M

    Explanation Help

    All great info thanks... Plus if the author of the Story Hour that used the Academy as their main setting please post a link to that please. I would like to finish reading it. It was great.
  14. M

    Explanation Help

    Thanks That part is nearly a given and understandable. But, how many should there be? Just one in the most lucrative Kingdom, or should there be one in each Kingdom? But, how do they work? What benefit does it give to go to this Academy? Do you get a piece of paper saying your educated? Can...
  15. M

    Explanation Help

    I know this has been around these forums once before but I can not find anything on it. I am starting a new campaign for my local group and I am trying to begin the game in a way we have never done before. Trying to throw in other than normal events, etc so it doesn't seem like the same old...
  16. M

    Neglected Monsters

    Also, as someone stated early on, Shocker Lizards came out a LONG time before that crap called Poke'mon and Pikachu. So... I wish people would realize that because something is on TV now doesn't mean it came first. Which came first... The Chicken or the egg? Or the critique who tells everyone...
  17. M

    Neglected Monsters

    I was forced to run into one in this current campaign I am in. My character's bright idea at solving a trap sent him temporarily into the astral plane where, low-and-behold, and Astral Dreadnaught just happened to be passing by. So it decided to see what I was doing bothering his area of...
  18. M

    Neglected Monsters

    I beg to differ, the campaign I am in recently, well a year or so ago real time but only a month ago in game time, our party ran into a slew of those damn things and nearly were over come by the swarm... Individually, they are useless in the swarms... wow.
  19. M

    Big Fat Orcus. What's the *offical* status of his lair?

    Absolutely! Te Palladium realm has so much to offer and can be worked over to run with nearly any setting. I was thinking i was the only one in this thread that played something other than D&D.
  20. M

    Big Fat Orcus. What's the *offical* status of his lair?

    I think a lot of the Orcus scandel is left up to personal interpretation. Depending on what gaming system one is looking through at the time of questioning. For instance, I know little of the D&D history on Orcus, as my gaming group only meddles with D&D on our off seasons of gaming. In the...