Search results

  1. S

    Richmond, VA -- Looking for Group

    I'm taking a new job in Richmond, VA and will be moving there mid/late February. I'm a long-time gamer, I've played more games and systems than I can remember, and I'm looking primarily for a mature (meaning game-focused, but with "real" jobs and an understanding of work/life/game balance)...
  2. S

    Pathfinder 1E CO, SE Aurora Pathfinder Home Game

    I'm considering running Pathfinder (D&D "3.75") and may need 1-2 players to fill holes left by departing members of my old group. The game would be bi-weekly, probably Saturday afternoon or maybe on Sunday afternoons. The campaign will be mostly RP & story heavy with the emphasis on plot and...
  3. S

    NJ/PA (Cherry Hill NJ/Philly PA area) LFG D&D 4e, 3.5e

    Hello, Recently relocated by my job to the Cherry Hill, NJ area (across the bridge from Philly in SW NJ). I'm looking for a relatively mature group of players with space for 1 player. My last group was comprised of adult gamers (most were married with kids and jobs) that ranged in age from...
  4. S

    Immediate Interrupts: Rule vs Etiquette?

    I've been through the Core books and WotC's FAQ, but still can't get the answer I'm looking for... Problem: In order to create a sense of roleplaying's suspension of the mechanics behind the scenes, when my players are in combat, I describe NPC and PC attacks in flavor terms such as: "wild...
  5. S

    3 Questions- Temp HPs, 2H Wpns, Barbarian Rage

    I've got 3 simple-seeming questions that I cannot find 'official' WotC answers to in any of the books, the FAQ or the (semi-retarded/useless) DDI Compendium. If anyone knows the official answers, and where I can find them, I'd appreciate it as I'm both running and playing in two very "by the...
  6. S

    CO-Denver (Aurora) LFG/LFP for 4e

    Hello, With my old group dissolving (due to distance/marriages/work etc.), I'm looking for a new game in the not-to-distant future. I'm looking for either a mature group of players with space for 1-3 gamers, or looking for a few gamers if I decide to run. My last group was comprised of adult...