• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. abysslord

    [Columbus, OH] New Pathfinder group, weekly game, playing AP

    I know two of the three of you. Looking for a second game where I can play Pathfinder in the Columbus, Ohio area on a weekly basis to fill in some time. Wondering if the third of the three of you are still looking for a game? AbyssLord
  2. abysslord

    Looking for Games or Gamers in Springfield, Ohio

    I'm over in Whitehall looking for a Pathfinder fix on about a weekly basis. AbyssLord
  3. abysslord

    Circleville, OH : DM Needs players. 3.x, PF, 4E, d20 Modern, nWoD, Shadowrun, whatever

    I'm a bit north of you in Whitehall, but also looking to get together with a gaming group for some Pathfinder, hopefully on about a weekly basis. AbyssLord
  4. abysslord

    Seeking Pathfinder in the Columbus Ohio area

    I'm looking for Pathfinder games in the Columbus, Ohio area. Can be homebrew or AP, but I prefer AP. PFS scheduling isn't working out the best for me at this time. I would prefer to play. Mid-week evenings work better, but let's talk. AbyssLord
  5. abysslord

    Looking for players in northern (lower peninsula) of Michigan

    I've been orphaned from a gaming group for awhile and am seeking a new group. Leon