Search results

  1. H

    First-ever GenCon: What should I expect?

    So, I'm going to be attending my very first GenCon this year, and I'm wondering what I should expect going in. I'm looking for advice or opinions from the old hands on: what I must see/do what I should avoid obscure etiquette (other than hygiene, I've got that down) and so on ... I've signed...
  2. H

    [Nothing Ventured] Our First Release - 99 Flaws!

    Nothing Ventured Games is proud to announce our first PDF product, 99 Flaws. 99 Flaws is a collection of character flaws allowing you to customize your character by exchanging power or ability in one area for greater facility in another (in the form of bonus feats). Inside, you'll find flaws...
  3. H

    Shared World-design Effort

    I've recently planted the seed of a d20 Fantasy world, which I call The Morning Empire. Here's the twist: I don't even want to try to do this by myself. I want other gamers in on this. Similar to shared-world fiction, I want to create shared-world gaming in a world created by the online...