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  1. M

    the power of a good illustration

    A few weeks ago, I posted a thread asking for help accepting psionics in a traditional fantasy setting/game. I got many helpful suggestions, but one thing that really helped was Claudio Pozas posting an illustration that "singlehandedly helped [him] accept psionics in D&D". I thought it would be...
  2. M

    Help me accept psionics

    Hello. I need some help. As a bit of background, I am one of those narrowminded individuals who can't stomach any guns (no matter how primitive) or technology (no matter how well explained--Eberron I'm looking at you) in my fantasy. As such, psionics has always rubbed me wrong, as it seems a bit...
  3. M

    encouraging familiars

    The Moonsea thread on this board started a discussion on why Realms wizards typically do not have familiars, and it got me thinking of all the times I have heard that the risk of loosing the familiar outweighs the minor benefits of having one. Personally, I really like familiars. I think they...
  4. M

    Quick question about staffs

    OK, I have a few things I need assistance with, but they all depend on the answer to one simple question: Can a wizard of level 3 or higher have his familiar deliver a touch spell that he casts from a staff? I checked the SRD, but I can't find an answer. I know in Forge of Fury a duergar wizard...
  5. M

    Help me introduce the game to my wife

    First some background: I used to play D&D back in junior high and high school (2nd Edition), but haven't played since. However, I play any D&D-related computer games I can get my hands on. That, combined with lurking here for more than two years, has given me a decent understanding of the 3rd...
  6. M

    familiar concentration feat?

    Long-time viewer, first-time poster . . . Am I imagining things or was there a feat that allowed a wizard to have his familiar maintain concentration on a spell while he did other things? If so, can someone please tell me where this feat was published? If not, how crazy of an idea is this? Is...