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    The nation of They

    http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/They in Dungeons and Dragons, They is a nation ruled by wizards in red dresses who wish to rule the world.
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    Online Game?

    When are you guys on? You weren't around last Sunday and I haven't seen you guys in two weeks.
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    GM Looking for DEITY ROLEPLAYERS!!!

    At the Ever Dream Roleplay you can post you're deity which you want to play there. The gods are D&D style.
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    Ever Dream Deity Roleplay(Always Open)

    ALWAYS OPEN!!!111 Valkrath the Sublime ruled the universe for countless millenia with little or no contest. Then came Volkath, the Dark Master. Valkrath and Volkath battled eachother for thousands of years tyring to out do eachother, creating the other gods in the process. After they had...