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  1. monkeyshines

    When players clash

    If you had a friend who stood you up most of the times that you made non-gaming plans, what would you do? I for one would probably stop making plans with him. I would say just stop inviting him to the games, since that seems to be the problem area. He probably just isn't into gaming anymore...
  2. monkeyshines

    Driving unreasonably fast (ticket rant)

    That's real sweet and all, but the ticket in question is for going 54 in a 25, in an at least semi-residential area. Sorry, though it's a heck of a ticket I don't have much sympathy. ;)
  3. monkeyshines

    Pull up your pants!

    I can't wait for the first plumber to be convicted with this law. :)
  4. monkeyshines

    requiring players to buy books

    Agreed. The minute I have a required text, it's a class, not a game. ;) Also we have two married couples in our current gaming group. Not going to make them buy a copy of anything, even PHB, for each person.
  5. monkeyshines

    When "Roleplaying" rears its ugly head...

    Why does it have to ruin friendships? I don't know any of my gaming friends who would take something in-game personally enough to get upset enough about it to have it ruin a real life friendship. Besides, you've already stated you don't know if the player of the dead PC will even be bothered...
  6. monkeyshines

    I need a good riddle, and how do you handle initiative with large groups?

    DM counts down out loud each round, players raise their hand or whatever when he reaches their number.
  7. monkeyshines

    post pics of your pets!

    Julius, Solo, and Roswell
  8. 3boys.jpg


  9. monkeyshines

    Southtrust bank scam

    Those ones fool a lot of people because they use the real Citi logo in them. You should forward spoof emails to spam@uce.gov, or emailspoof@citigroup.com for citibank specifically.
  10. monkeyshines

    Why are we so quick to disregard anecdotal evidence? (general rant)

    If it's tested and replicated, then it's not antecdotal anymore. ;)
  11. monkeyshines

    Living with a bird

    Environmental enrichment - which is really just a fancy way of saying give the bird something to do other than scream. Get some interesting toys, things that the bird has to work on - like things stuffed with treats or food, or things to chew on. Old carboard boxes can be awesome toys for a...
  12. monkeyshines

    What rules have you let slide for a creative player?

    I think almost any rule can slide as long as players aren't abusive about it. In my own case, in an old 2e-based homebrew campaign where I was actually a player, my character found herself in a situation where she needed to tie someone up. The GM asked for a skill check for rope handling or...
  13. monkeyshines

    Dissatisfaction with Your Gaming Group?

    If you leave your group, don't leave because you think there maybe might be a better one out there somewhere, leave because you're not enjoying the group you are in. It's unproductive to get into a mindset of always looking for something better, you forget to enjoy what you are doing now. It's...
  14. monkeyshines

    NFL Playoffs and Superbowl

    Except the Vikings. ;)
  15. monkeyshines

    how to hit on girls without being creepy?

    Well, confidence - the kind of confidence that says, "I might not really care what you think and I'm not going to be your lapdog" - can be very attractive. But if it's just an act, like any other act it will come out in the wash later... and that's how "you're not the man I fell in love with"...
  16. monkeyshines

    joys of coffee

    I have to throw my vote in with the French Press crowd. IMO it definately makes the best coffee. If you do use a drip coffeemaker, put any extra coffee in a thermos as soon as it's done brewing - don't let it sit in the carafe on the hot plate. It can get stale and burny tasting. Also, I...
  17. monkeyshines

    Misspelling rogue as rouge - enlighten me

    I agree - it's probably no more complicated than a common typing error. Things like "teh" and "pwned" started the same way, before people started using them intentionally. When people are typing quickly their fingers just sort of take over, I think. I just did an experiment where I was typing...
  18. monkeyshines

    how to hit on girls without being creepy?

    They also weren't real people, and neither were the women characters. ;) Seriously, you guys should be listening to mythago. There is much wisdom there.
  19. monkeyshines

    Players Completely Ignoring Adventure Hooks

    Here's your problem right here. You are DMing for a player who plays like you, but he doesn't. He plays like him. So you need to learn to DM for a player who plays like him, and for such a player, this is a problem: I don't think he wants vague and open to interpretation. I think he needs...
  20. monkeyshines

    Drinks to try on my 21st?

    cement mixer