• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. V

    Marshall Flowers' Sentimental Journey Through Post-Apocalyptica and Mutantville

    Tales from the Wastelands, Part 5 The crowd’s roars swept through the square. More than a thousand people had gathered in the Plaza of Triumph, the center of Mittlewerk city. Today was the day when the Emperor would announce his grand new plan to bring prosperity to the empire. A day of...
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    Marshall Flowers' Sentimental Journey Through Post-Apocalyptica and Mutantville

    Tales from the Wastelands, Part 4 Dorn moved quickly and quietly through the woods. He knew that remaining undetected had to be his priority. His thoughts were in turmoil; he had spent years hiding from ATMA, had changed his name and his appearance. At the beginning he had thought that he...
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    Marshall Flowers' Sentimental Journey Through Post-Apocalyptica and Mutantville

    Tales from the Wastelands, Part 3 The group of robed men moved quickly through the dark tunnels, lit sparsely by electric lights. Beneath the city it was always quiet; their footsteps echoed through the tunnels as they passed by multiple doors and other tunnel branches. Finally they emerged...
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    Marshall Flowers' Sentimental Journey Through Post-Apocalyptica and Mutantville

    Tales from the Wastelands, Part 2 Walking into the interior of the casino was always something of an adjustment. The bright lights of the slot machines, the noise of the different games and the smoky haze from the cigars created a powerful combined assault on the senses. It didn't bother him...
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    Marshall Flowers' Sentimental Journey Through Post-Apocalyptica and Mutantville

    Hello Gentlemen, The "Intrepid GM" here, with Tales from the Wasteland, a collection of short stories based on happenings in the world. They were sent to the group as an interlude during a week when we had to skip game night. These are player, but not character knowledge. Chronologically...