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  1. Rabelais

    D&D 4E What will be your first 4E character?

    Gern Yblonwicz, Halfling Palladin at your service.
  2. Rabelais

    WotC: Goodbye, Loren Greenwood, hello Greg Leeds

    Hannah Montana: Queen of the Damned. It's a bit LARPish for my taste, but not bad if you can ignore the character creation rules.
  3. Rabelais

    Okay, where do you stand on diagonal movement?

    I would love to see hex grids in day-to-day gaming... although, I think that 1-2-1-2-1-2 isn't all that hard to get my mind around.
  4. Rabelais

    Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)

    Heaven's going to get one heckuva DM. :)
  5. Rabelais

    Grognards and Ham

    Well done... yes, well played. :)
  6. Rabelais

    Sticking w/ 3.5: Any Publishers?

    Well... in all honesty, it might be a good time for a Taren's Ferry reset. ;)
  7. Rabelais

    Oots 535

    That's funny, I thought the strip was well balanced... although, I do think there were too many line drawn characters
  8. Rabelais

    FR to look like a Roger Dean painting

    Wow... hate on FR as much as you want, but don't Dis my prog rock heroes!!! ;) Seriously though, Yes was one of the greats in the 70s.
  9. Rabelais

    Reminder: the D&D Experience is not an excuse to be a jerk when posting!

    Oh... about 4e you mean... ok no prob. So I don't have to scratch my plan to come over, drink all your beer and flirt with your girlfriend? First impression from the Tira character sheet... I love how clean it is. My 3.5 Character sheet is 4 pages... I'm intrigued.
  10. Rabelais

    Chess and diagonals

    Grognard! I'm going to try to remain open to the next edition of chess, as long as the rules remain Open Source. I should be able to have access to canon without having to spend $100!
  11. Rabelais

    OotS #533 is up

    I want a giant Kung Fu tournament to the death too!
  12. Rabelais

    D&D 4E Copyrights, NDAs and 4e "demos"

    Sometimes I wish I could take a picture of spy satellites just so I can be different from the other kids... I need that camera.
  13. Rabelais

    Stat yourself... Off topic?? dunno.

    Best case scenario... I'm a 25 point buy... sad panda con is my dump stat.
  14. Rabelais

    Why won't you switch?

    I'm probably going to make the switch... I'm still pretty ambivalent about it though. First and foremost... It's the cost of the thing. I've invested hundreds in source materials... It irks me that that money is expended The problems about the game design qualms and it being gamist and such...
  15. Rabelais

    Oots 530

    Deader than Race/class restrictions... priceless :)
  16. Rabelais

    Problem DM - How Should a Player Handle It?

    Ooof, It was years before I got back on that particular horse. I realized that I was a railroader, I was miserable, and much happier as a player. Once I worked through my frustration as a GM though... I think I'm pretty ok now. Not brilliant, but pretty decent.
  17. Rabelais

    Today My Bookcase Collapsed Under the Weight of My RPGs

    I heard that IKEA makes houses now! It must take a million years to assemble, what with those tiny little Allen Wrenches they give you. Ba-rum-bump Thanks, remember to tip your waitresses... I'll be here all week
  18. Rabelais

    Today My Bookcase Collapsed Under the Weight of My RPGs

    My bookshelf is bowed, gonna ignore it, it's only 3 shelves, not that big really. Sweet baby jebus, there's gonna be a crushing blow to my soul if my HD craps out before I back it up. :) Planning on doing so next week.
  19. Rabelais

    LotR: Galadriel Triumphant

    You 'n me both DD
  20. Rabelais

    Then They Made Me Their Chief

    My previous group ran a long campaign (6+ years) where my character was a Viscount, the son of a prominent Duke. Our games were basically dungeon crawls punctuated with city adventures and political intrigues. Minor nobility, but lots of pull. To this day, that's the kind of game I prefer.