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  1. Raigon

    XP as Cash for Items and Spells

    I dont think the issue here is losing the level. The issue is how xp is used in item creation. However the player CAN efectivly loose a lvl compared to the other members of the party.
  2. Raigon

    Constitution = hit points?

    I have a feeling that the con+level=hp system will imbalance the ability scores. By making hp so dependent on Constitution it will place a HUGE emphasis for characters to choose it as there highest score.
  3. Raigon

    Reworking weapons... need some input.

    Just remember that the 2h weapons deny the wielders the use of a shield. Something to consider when balancing weapons. I have been in many conversations and read a plethera of post that regard the problems with system. I admit the weapons are not all created equal. If you feel that this is a...
  4. Raigon

    Does Barbarian rage end if Barb goes unconscious?

    I have always assumed that the rage lasted for the same fixed amount of time no matter what. In one of my current games a barb went unconcious while rageing, and was saved because the extra hit points gave the cleric time to save him.
  5. Raigon

    Kingdom devastated by war - how long to rebuild army?

    You mentioned that there were some but only a few survivors of the war. These people would be the few trained military men, as such they would probibly be promoted to officers in the new 5000 man army. However an army full of new officers would make the political dynamics very interesting.
  6. Raigon

    Which On-line SRD do you use?

    I use the s/s srd. I like the layout and the fact that it is downloadable. I have really looked into the hypertext srd.
  7. Raigon

    A Radical (Not to Mention Controversial) Change to Characteristic Determination

    I think that this hits the nail square on the head. As it is the system works fairly well becasue the range of the scores is so small that it does not make much of a difference. I feel that if the bugs are worked out it could develop into a realistic and playable system My opinion on the...
  8. Raigon

    (Recruiting) Spilt Blood and Spreading Blight

    Currently the DM ender_wiggin (as of last time I have talked with him) still does not have internet access. Also he is on a vacation with his family. End result you will not see to much of him over the next few weeks. Just an update for any of you that still check this post.
  9. Raigon

    I LOVE the instancing!

    The reason I think that companies are making games that are so begginer friendly is that they apeal to a wider group of people. No one wants to get spawn camped or have there kill stolen from them. I just hope that they will still make games where people can interact in the game world, granted...
  10. Raigon

    I LOVE the instancing!

    instancing made me quit Guild Wars after 2 weeks. I feel that making the entire map unique to a party limits the interaction between players and the realism of the game. It in my opinion defeats the purpose and the game. After all this is supose to be a massive MULTIPLAYER game. The Guild Wars...
  11. Raigon

    (Recruiting) Spilt Blood and Spreading Blight

    I talked to ender_wiggin today and it seems that it is going to take longer than expected for him to get internet access after moving. He hopes to get back online soon.
  12. Raigon

    (Recruiting) Spilt Blood and Spreading Blight

    lol my other characters I have played in this world have gone through this to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a serious note: Daily life for Lalamil in the fort. Seeing that this is a military establishment her day is rather regimented. NewDay...
  13. Raigon

    (Recruiting) Spilt Blood and Spreading Blight

    Ok that was a serious screw up/oversight on my part I changed it. Forgot to read over the big text. :lol: Anyway my characters name is Lalamil Emorure. The first letter of Lalamil is capitalized.
  14. Raigon

    (Characters) Spilt Blood and Spreading Blight

    Lalamil Emorure ----------------------------------------------CR 2 elf bard 2 CG Medium humanoid (elf) Init: +6, Senses: Listen +4, Spot +4 Languages: common, elven, orcish --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13...
  15. Raigon

    (Recruiting) Spilt Blood and Spreading Blight

    Harvey: I think i am going to go with being the sounder For yuor squad. I will post more details sometime tonight.
  16. Raigon

    (Recruiting) Spilt Blood and Spreading Blight

    History of lalamil Emorure(pre Rogan) Born in the Year 1104 lalamil was raised in the elven traditions in one of the towns on the island of Krondalay (a smallish island off the southern coast of mainland). The arts had always been her strong point. She seemed especially talented, even for an...
  17. Raigon

    (Recruiting) Spilt Blood and Spreading Blight

    That is my spam email address. I check it only if I expect someone to be writing to me. I have another that is by word of mouth/important stuff only. Also I would be interested with backgroud crossing. As of now my character is more of a migrant than anything else.
  18. Raigon

    (Recruiting) Spilt Blood and Spreading Blight

    OK guys I have a concept for a character. Lalamil Emorure, Female, Elf, Bard(2). Apperance: Lalamil is tall for an elf. Her brown hair reaches down to her mid back and is often tied together in braids. She wears simple but effective cloths. While they are not the typical bard garb this is not...
  19. Raigon

    (Recruiting) Spilt Blood and Spreading Blight

    Hey Ender this looks good can I join in.