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  1. King_Stannis

    Gen Con Is Going Ahead

    Good grief Russ, stop being such a pussy. I've had it. Trust me, it's a mild sore throat and the sniffles for about 3-4 days for anyone under 75.
  2. King_Stannis

    Gen Con Is Going Ahead

  3. King_Stannis

    WotC Ray Winninger Is Head of D&D RPG Team; Mike Mearls No Longer Works on RPG

    Oh man, you mean the guy who essentially stated that women are too dumb at math to play D&D and then clumsily blamed it on customers finally got his comeuppance? 🍻 I'll make sure to pour one out this weekend.
  4. King_Stannis

    (HackMaster) Player's Handbook ... almost there

    I got this deal and the cool thing is having the beta pdf a few seconds after preorder. With that you have 70-80% of the finished product. The game looks cool. Real cool. "There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man"
  5. King_Stannis

    Explain Burning Wheel to me

    The fuss is: 1) It's a fantasy game that is not D&D 2) RPGNet has seized upon this as one of their "pet" games. See also "Riddle of Steel" for a similarly overrated game. :)
  6. King_Stannis

    The Golden Age of Gaming

    In terms of quality products being produced, the last 4 or 5 years is a Golden Age. However, the early 80's would have to be considered the golden age in terms of popularity. Hard to disagree when you saw regular old advertisements on TV for the game and there was a Saturday morning cartoon...
  7. King_Stannis

    I Love Gaming but I Hate Gamers!

    I'll echo all those thoughts. I don't think it's a mistake that I consider the people I game with also my best friends. I wouldn't stand for having some jackass come into my home once a week and smelling up the joint. Thankfully my beautiful and lovely wife also games with us. That only means...
  8. King_Stannis

    Song of Ice and Fire

    Any more experiences with "GoT" D20? I have picked this beauty up but haven't had the chance to run it, yet.
  9. King_Stannis

    Charles Ryan (and others) out at WotC?

    You, sir, are a class act. Best of luck to you.
  10. King_Stannis

    Ship to ship

    Any word on whether or not this will be a licensed game for Star Wars or not? If so I am majorly pumped.
  11. King_Stannis

    Star Wars Colossal AT-AT Mini

    Already have one on order from my FLGS. Probably end up with 2 or 3. They look very nice!
  12. King_Stannis

    Talon Comics: Any word?

    Unfortunately somewhere along the way ignoring his customers and carping about being a "little guy" in the mean old business world became more important than "customer service". Although I don't doubt he would use the evacuation as an excuse, even though he probably lives in El Paso.
  13. King_Stannis

    Talon Comics: Any word?

    Well, the problem is this - you've made the huuuuuuge mistake of actually ordering from this guy. A very long time ago there was a period when he fulfilled orders. I think that period was for like a month or so. Whatever - I was even lucky enough to have ordered something and gotten it. Yeah, I...
  14. King_Stannis

    Prime Directive d20 is out? Anyone have it?

    W3rd. Long live the FASA version, not only the best Trek RPG (by far!), but one of the better RPG's of all time. That ship combat system was amazing in how it captured the feel of a combat in an episode.
  15. King_Stannis

    How is the Starship Troopers RPG?

    Seems they really missed the boat by not having their miniatures game come with prepainted ones. Instead they opted for the "Warhammer" approach which will doom that game to oblivion methinks.
  16. King_Stannis


    It will be interesting to see if Crosby has an immediate impact with my Pens.
  17. King_Stannis

    [SWd20] To those who want Episode III goodies

    Well, I think we'll have to agree to disagree. :) The animation style didn't bother me at all. I'm not sure a super-realistic animation style would have been much better. I read the "Republic" comic series set during the Clone Wars and it strives for realism. Let me tell you - I don't think...
  18. King_Stannis

    [SWd20] To those who want Episode III goodies

    Next thing you'll be wondering about is why the Confederacy had droids that looked like spiders. :\ The IG droids on the lancer bikes were great. Clone Wars was a fantastic series.
  19. King_Stannis

    Midichlorians, Blood Tests, and Skeptical Players

    As someone who grew up with the original trilogy but has 2 of the 3 prequels in his top 3 SW movies (II and III), I must say that I hate the midichlorians too. There was so much that Lucas got right with the prequels, but what he got wrong he got wrong BIG. :)
  20. King_Stannis

    Defending an Evil Fortress From PC Marauders!

    Hey SHARK - seeing as how busy you are these days, will we ever see the Vallorean Empire in print? :)