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  1. Ogre Mage

    D&D (2024) 5.24e New Cleric

    Thanks, but I was specifically asking about the four in the new edition.
  2. Ogre Mage

    D&D (2024) 5.24e New Cleric

    Does anyone have a sense which subclass is the power gamer's choice? Asking for a friend. :whistle:
  3. Ogre Mage

    D&D General Will you play the Revised 2024 rules?

    September 17, the day the new book comes out, will be the last day of our current campaign. One week later we will have a Session Zero for the new campaign. October 1 we will begin playing the new campaign.
  4. Ogre Mage

    D&D General Higher Level = Greater Complexity = Slower Play

    I personally have found mid-Tier 3 is about my limit. Beyond that I start getting overwhelmed by keeping track of everything my character can do as I always play spellcasters. I did not enjoy the small handful of times I've played in Tier 4. Probably my ideal campaign would run from Levels...
  5. Ogre Mage

    D&D General Gen X D&D

    "Slacker" is a character background. The world is filled with an unusually large number of magical Symbols of Hopelessness. Many monsters cause magical depression. Characters on antidepressant medication make this saving throw at advantage.
  6. Ogre Mage

    D&D General Boomer/GenX 5e? (+)

    I feel like the stereotypical Gen X would have worshiped Shar (at least back then). "Smells Like Teen Spirit," "Black Hole Sun" and "Feels Blind" sound like hymns to Shar.
  7. Ogre Mage

    D&D General Boomer/GenX 5e? (+)

    You can't get Gen X to do anything because it is all pointless and nothing matters. And it's probably a scam.
  8. Ogre Mage

    D&D General Millennial D&D (+)

    There is a great detail of detail in character generation so every character can be a special snowflake. After each session everyone gets a participation trophy no matter what happened.
  9. Ogre Mage

    D&D (2024) Understanding "nostalgia"

    Interestingly little of this is true for me. 2E was the edition of my teens and early 20s. It is not my favorite. My favorite is 5E -- an edition which came out when I was almost 40! I admit I have a yen for 1990s music. I do not consider the 1990s to be the best movies. Fantasy movies...
  10. Ogre Mage

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Let's Read the 4E Monster Manual: lamia 5e returned the lamia to the attractive half-human/half-beast that it had been in 1E-3E (which is similar to the original Greek mythology origins). The scarab swarm was an interesting idea for a monster but why they called it a lamia seems nonsensical...
  11. Ogre Mage

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Weird that the day before this thread began, 4E appeared in my life again. Our current DM (running a 5E game) said he would like to take a mini-break and have someone else run for 2-3 sessions. One of the other players offered to run "lair assault" which I had never done. And then he said it...
  12. Ogre Mage

    D&D General When did you leave D&D? Why? For what game? And what brought you back?

    Most times I didn't make a conscious decision to stop playing D&D. Usually the group I was in evaporated and I was too busy with other things to find another one. But there was one time I deliberately stepped away from D&D. This was in the dark days of the edition wars in the late 2000s. I...
  13. Ogre Mage

    D&D General What it means for a race to end up in the PHB, its has huge significance

    I tend to see the inclusion of an ancestry in the PHB as the result of popularity rather than the cause of it. If it is in the PHB it was already resonating with D&D players and/or wider nerd culture.
  14. Ogre Mage

    D&D 5E How do you handle randomly rolling for stats

    Totally random comment -- Princess Peach was by far my favorite character in Super Mario 2 because of her ability to float in the air for 2 seconds. It more than made up for the fact she couldn't run and jump as well as the others.
  15. Ogre Mage

    D&D 5E How do you handle randomly rolling for stats

    I remember that in both campaigns the person whose rolls got picked was not mine. The first time we did this I remember one player rolling badly and his set of scores were disregarded immediately, lol.
  16. Ogre Mage

    D&D 5E How do you handle randomly rolling for stats

    We have five players. Most of the time we use point buy. But the last time we used this method the group voted for: 17, 16, 13, 12, 12, 11. The first time we did it the group voted for: 17, 15, 14, 13, 11, 10.
  17. Ogre Mage

    D&D 5E How do you handle randomly rolling for stats

    All the players roll a set of six stats and then the group votes on which set the entire party will use. That way everyone is using the same numbers but the arrangement of the stats is up to each individual player.
  18. Ogre Mage

    D&D 5E Long time players and 5e’s success

    As an older gay gamer I don't think the prejudice against being a D&D player was as major as being LGBTQ during the 1990s. That said, being a gamer wasn't something I was completely open about back then either. The stigma was real. There were venues like my FLGS where it was fine to be open...
  19. Ogre Mage

    D&D 5E Long time players and 5e’s success

    I am a late 40s gamer who first played D&D in 1986. I think it is critical that D&D adapt to the changing times. That is part of why the game has lasted 50 years. I have no desire for the game to be preserved as a fly-in-amber from my formative gaming years in the late 1980s and early 1990s...
  20. Ogre Mage

    D&D 5E Rank your favorite D&D classes

    1. Cleric 2. Sorcerer 3. Wizard 4. Warlock 5. Bard 6. Druid 7. Paladin 8. Fighter 9. Rogue 10. Barbarian 11. Ranger 12. Monk Numbers 9-12 are theorycrafting because I have never played them in 5E.