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  1. B

    Eberron - where "the Forgotten forge " starts ? pls help .

    There's no official location for it so place it as you will. I put it in one of the upper districts near the University district due to murder victim working out of Morgrave. As a side note, the Broken Anvil where the party meets Elaydren does have an "official" location. According to the...
  2. B

    Blood Magus Familiar

    Ran across "official" blood elemental stats on Wizards: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20030208a
  3. B

    rotating DMs same group of characters...would it work?

    Our group has done this on several occassions, in the old days in FR and now in Eberron. I'm usually the "full time" GM but when time becomes a constraint for me, there are 3 of us that tag-team GM the ongoing campaign. The key is communication - let the next GM know where you're heading (in...
  4. B

    Humor in sourcebooks

    Speaking of humor in sourcebooks - anyone ever notice the power "Deja Vu" is printed twice in the XPH (pg 91 and 92)? Oh those sly dogs at WotC
  5. B

    [Eberron] Kalashtar Mindlink Confusion

    Thanks for the confirmation everyone...that does indeed make the most sense. I just fell into "picking nits" since a Wilder can't even manifest the Mindlink power without taking a feat (Expanded Knowledge) that allows him to manifest powers from other class lists. Seems like it would have made...
  6. B

    [Eberron] Kalashtar Mindlink Confusion

    Thanks, that does seem to make the most sense. I was just thrown by the significant difference in the definition of the power. And the reference to mindlink as a wilder psi-ability. Yet another clearly stated rule ;)
  7. B

    [Eberron] Kalashtar Mindlink Confusion

    Howdy folks, I have a question (and quite probably a foolish one) regarding the Kalashtar Mindlink psi-ability from the Eberron Campaign Setting that I hope someone can set me straight on. On page 18 of the ECS we find this text: "Psi-Like Abilities: Mindlink (1/day). This ability is like the...
  8. B

    Tools for running D&D over the internet?

    I hear folks have used this to some success. Haven't used it myself, but looks interesting: http://www.fantasygrounds.com/
  9. B

    Do your players name their group?

    Not often but the folks in my current Eberron campaign have adopted The Magnificent Bastards, thanks to an NPC comment - well, and them behaving like a-holes most of the time :cool:
  10. B

    Shouldn't there have been a Dragonshards article posted today?

    Yes, they usually come out every other Monday - I was expecting one today as well. After perusing the "Ask Keith Baker" thread on WotC's boards, it looks like he's on vacation this week. However, the Dragonshards are written way in advance, so I have to imagine they have some in the wings to...
  11. B

    The Official Welcome Thread

    The Newest Guy This Minute Howdy folks! Long time reader, first time poster. I started playing D&D back in the early 80s, took a 15 year hiatus, then started playing again about 5 years ago. I GM a 3.5 group - we started with FR then moved to Eberron shortly after it was released. This board...