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  1. Arpad

    Daughter of the Female Gendered Feline Hivemind Thread

    Amen! Or something to that effect! :)
  2. Arpad

    Daughter of the Female Gendered Feline Hivemind Thread

    Someday I hope to come up with an angle where Doritoes are healthy. Not even I can manage that, though. :)
  3. Arpad

    Why do I alwaus get one player......

    I just look for a group that will let me have a character I want to play. If they don't like my style of character no sense butting heads over it. We're supposed to be having fun here. :)
  4. Arpad

    Daughter of the Female Gendered Feline Hivemind Thread

    Yep. "Mountain Dew tastes kind of fruity so it must be good for me." :)
  5. Arpad

    Should off-topic polls be allowed in the Off-Topic Forum?

    why ever would that be? ;)
  6. Arpad

    Daughter of the Female Gendered Feline Hivemind Thread

    Oh yes you can! Theyre both good for you. Ice cream is too if it has fruit in it. Or fruit on top of it. Or highly sugary fruit topping. Or if you promise you'll eat an apple later. :p
  7. Arpad

    Daughter of the Female Gendered Feline Hivemind Thread

    Thanks. I'm good at that sort of thing. I can convince myself candy is OK if it *tastes* like fruit. :)
  8. Arpad

    What books have good arcane necromancy spells?

    That looks neat. I especially like the multiple 8th level spells -- traditionally one of the weaker spells levels. I'll have to see if the FLGS has that one. :)
  9. Arpad

    Daughter of the Female Gendered Feline Hivemind Thread

    "Pie has fruit in it. It must be good for me, then." ;)
  10. Arpad

    Daughter of the Female Gendered Feline Hivemind Thread

    I especially like the "oh, it won't hurt me to eat another piece of pie" self delusion. :)
  11. Arpad

    The Official Welcome Thread

    Hi slightly newer than me people! Waves and hugs!
  12. Arpad

    What books have good arcane necromancy spells?

    Don't let that stop you from posting the list! If it looks interesting, it will be a *successful* pimp and we'll both be happy. :) By the by, who are you over on the Necromancer forums?
  13. Arpad

    Weapon Illustration Sketches

    Okay. Well I'll ask anyway because I really like your art. :) What I'd like is a necromancer's staff. With little fetishes hanging off it -- feathers, maybe a little skull, whatever looks good. Maybe have some original twist on it like have the whole thing be a long bone. If your muse...
  14. Arpad

    The Official Welcome Thread

    The 2nd edition "Return to the Keep on the Borderlands". Arpad was a 16 year old NG girl who got captured by evil necromancers and forced to become a necromancer. I thought that was a fascinating concept, so I turned her from an NPC into my main character for a quite a long time. I even...
  15. Arpad

    Daughter of the Female Gendered Feline Hivemind Thread

    Self-delusion is always the best kind. :) Good grief! Three replies in a row. It looks like I'm trying to rack up the postcount...
  16. Arpad

    Daughter of the Female Gendered Feline Hivemind Thread

    Oh no. We've all failed at the internet! I am so filled with sorrow now. Either that, or I need to go to the bathroom. :)
  17. Arpad

    Daughter of the Female Gendered Feline Hivemind Thread

    Well, it's now down at about 12 or so. Which is probably more like what it will be from now on. :)
  18. Arpad

    What books have good arcane necromancy spells?

    My necromancers never kick baby animals. Kicking people is ever so much more fun. Animals I kind of feel sorry for. People I don't. :)
  19. Arpad

    What books have good arcane necromancy spells?

    Thanks, Winter Wolf and Grazzt! I suppose yours is technically a pimp, Grazzt, but given what the name of your game company is, I don't see any way I can complain about that. :D You guys would be experts on the subject, I would think. :) Winterwolf, I don't know if I'll be able to find all...
  20. Arpad

    Daughter of the Female Gendered Feline Hivemind Thread

    Wow. And I have hardly even said anything yet! Well, hardly anything interesting, anyway. :)