• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. S

    OGL 1.2 survey is now live

    Nice. I have given my feedback. I think OGL 1.2 looks pretty good, and great using CCA4. There is still room for a few improvements.
  2. S

    D&D 5E A First Look at Tasha’s Lineage System In AL Player’s Guide - Customizing Your Origin In D&D

    What's the point of even having races (or lineages or heritages or species or whatever) anymore? They are now all basically humans that just look a little different. They might as well just say that it's just for flavour to pick a "race". Choose a race for aesthetics, then you choose two ability...
  3. S

    Cubicle 7 No Longer Producing The One Ring and Adventures in Middle Earth

    Terrible news! I was so much looking forward to 2nd edition. Most of what they presented seemed awesome. And the new supplements sounded great. And so close to planned release it's ripped away?!? What forces are behind this? Sophisticated Games? And why don't C7 just publish the 2nd edition...
  4. S

    What's the Best Holiday to Game?

    Ugh. Narrow minded article. There are other holidays. And there are other countries than USA.
  5. S

    Pathfinder 2E Fighter Class Preview

    Finally I am convinced. PF2 seems to really not be the game for me. Not that I expected it to be. I am surprised they want to go down this route. I'll rather use 5e or even stick with 3.5/PF1.
  6. S

    Pathfinder 2E Fighter Class Preview For Pathfinder 2nd Edition!

    Finally I am convinced. PF2 seems to really not be the game for me. Not that I expected it to be. I am surprised they want to go down this route. I'll rather use 5e or even stick with 3.5/PF1.
  7. S

    D&D comes to Middle Earth (from Cubicle 7)

    This was the most surprising gaming news I have seen a long long time. I had to double check that it as still March. :P And at first I just thought that some mistake had made this years April's Fools news be posted way early. But then it turned out to be true... This may be a great success for...
  8. S

    CURSE OF STRAHD'S Foreword By Tracy Hickman

    Well, I ment as a player. And 90% of the time I have to be the GM. I doubt any of my players will choose to GM this. And even as a GM I can't run it for a good while as we are in the middle of two other long campaigns in D&D 5e and TOR. ;-)
  9. S

    CURSE OF STRAHD'S Foreword By Tracy Hickman

    Woah. Those last sentences gave me shivers! Wish I could play this adventure.
  10. S

    The EN World Best Sellers List 4Q2015

    Great work putting this together! :D Keep doing it good and hopefully you can make expand it to include more, and maybe also try to summarize the results. :-)
  11. S

    D&D 5E NEWSFLASH: New Version of Dungeons and Dragons Doesn't Please Everyone!

    Haha!!! Funny and sadly accurate summarization of many reactions on these boards.
  12. S

    D&D 5E [Merged] D&D Next/5E Release Schedule Threads

    Yay! Yay! :D The price will probably be even higher here in Norway. But its ok I think. Its worth it. Prices of everything else goes up so why not for D&D? As long as there is cheap introduction products for the teenagers.
  13. S

    Creating a setting: Amrador

    In need of a original setting for a first test-campaign with 4th edition D&D I started thinking about making my own setting. But I soon reasoned I don't have that much time, as I'm currently writing my Masters Thesis, and have to complete it in mid-June. So I got this idea about an open world...