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  1. Armistice

    Whatever happened to Spycraft?

    I can't fault Crafty from learning from past mistakes. I own all the Shadowforce Archer books and think they were good products, but, they didn't sell well or not well enough anyway. The Crafty guys took the lessons they learned while at AEG to heart and are trying not to repeat what they feel...
  2. Armistice

    Whatever happened to Spycraft?

    The two online communities on the official sites have a different feel. That's all. I'm a member of both but find the smaller community conversations more to my liking. Just as a brief example, say I find something curious or even buggy about the rules in my gaming. My experience has been that I...
  3. Armistice

    Whatever happened to Spycraft?

    In a word, yes. All the things I liked about Spycraft are still there. The biggest change is that now, they're an indie company with all that entails. Last year (2007), there were many things they wanted to do, but didn't manage to mostly because of lack of resources (time, money, etc.). Now...
  4. Armistice

    Fantasy craft??? will you bother?

    You do realize the size of the original rule-set? They'd essentially have to, as a tiny company, re-create what they did as part of AEG. That's a massive undertaking and a little unreasonable IMO. They aren't going to reprint the entire skill system (Dramatic Conflicts etc), nor duplicate the...
  5. Armistice

    Sword and Sorcery Saga v. 1.02 and NEW Adventure Conversion!

    Downloaded it. Read it. Like it. Great work Gneech and I'm looking forward to seeing any new iterations of these rules. As they are, it's playable and I'll be giving it a testdrive soonest.
  6. Armistice

    Fantasy craft??? will you bother?

    In a word...yes. Unique and interesting mechanical, character options that actually make a difference in play are one of the hallmarks of Spycraft in general. I'm eagerly waiting for this book to hit the streets. I'll most likely pick up 4D as well, but I'm much more interested in what the...
  7. Armistice

    Turn undead ?

    Turn undead is one of those mechanics I hope dies an unlamented death. Maybe preserve it as an option (without all the annoying fiddling) for Clerics/campaigns that actually care about undead. In almost every case I'd just prefer a straight damage or a mechanic that works like the intimidate...
  8. Armistice

    D&D 4E Should hit points continue to be generated randomly in 4e?

    I don't know anyone who uses random hitpoints. It's always a set number per level for everyone.
  9. Armistice

    [SWSE] Are Jedi just plain better than everyone else?

    Theoretical argument. Play the game. So far, this is the best I've seen the 'balance' between the classes. Block/Deflect, while excellent for modeling what we see in the movies, is overrated as a 'Lord of all Creation' path. Also, it's boring.
  10. Armistice

    Star Wars Saga RPG: Square Book? WTF

    I give you, Periodic Bombardment
  11. Armistice

    Star Wars Tempest Feud -- How easy to convert to SWSE?

    Shouldn't be. In fact, it should be pretty easy, just a little time-consuming because of the size of the module.
  12. Armistice

    Star Wars Saga RPG: Square Book? WTF

    The link below may interest you. Some incredibly dedicated fans have converted what amounts to 98% of the RCR Ultimate Alien Anthology to the Saga ruleset: Saga Edition UAA
  13. Armistice

    Star Wars Saga, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Spycraft. Just go Saga and I'm impressed. I wish they'd taken the Feat Tree organization from Spycraft, though. As it is, there are way too many general combat feats and not enough feats of any other kind. Some unholy meshing of the two systems is what I'm eventually going to playing with as my...
  14. Armistice

    Jedi Counselling 103 - Defense, Offense, and Rules on Mini Names

    Semi-official errata is that all area affect attacks need to beat a general Defense of 10 in order to be effective. This includes effects like Whirlwind attack as well as grenades.
  15. Armistice

    Midkemia d20

    If they weren't out of business, I'd suggest GOO. If they'd been approached they could have rocked this easily. If they can adapt AGOT (and they did), Midkemia would've been a snap. They've certainly got the best social aspect gaming ruleset of D20 out there. Again though, the magic ruleset was...
  16. Armistice

    Firefly D20?

    Good Show. That actually looks pretty good. You should post that on the crafty boards.
  17. Armistice

    Honor Herrington D20

    Fantastic series. Loved the melodrama which is a hallmark of all the Baen books bestsellers. Getting the feel of the books into a game would be the most difficult. You'd need robust space rules. Something set in the Confederacy as detailed in the later books in the series might work best as a...
  18. Armistice

    D20 Modern vs. Spycraft: Tell me which one you like better

    Shaman, I'm only going to say that your perception is over-representing the case. Spycraft 'allows' the dial to be set to 11 if you want to go there, no supplements required. All the options are in the one book. Modern has its upside, but doing gritty spyfiction better than Spycraft is not one...
  19. Armistice

    Wound / vitality system pros

    As far as I know the Spycraft ruleset is OGL you might check with them about their take on it.
  20. Armistice

    Wound / vitality system pros

    Spycraft, even in its first iteration had a specific rule to cover the hostage event or Extremely Deadly Situation. The second editition of the game cleans up some of the language and makes Terminal Situations (determined by the GC) extremely deadly, i.e spend an action die to make a character...