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  1. Rakin

    Gygax Memorial Fund

    Has any of you guys seen or heard that Gail Gygax is trying to get a statue in Lake Geneva to honor Gary? I just found this facebook page. It looks like it was just started.
  2. Rakin

    Feeling Lost?

    Here's my story real quick: I started playing D&D with 2E, at the time I was a player. I read the books over and over, I loved the monsters and the fun of playing, but I don't think I could of DM'd a game back then, for if no other reason than THAC0 destroying my brain. :p Anywho, after...
  3. Rakin

    Following D&D

    Here's something, I feel that following D&D just because it's called D&D is stupid. There's plenty of other tabletop games that blow D&D out of the water now, and I feel that most people, when they're purchasing D&D material, are just buying the name "Dungeons and Dragons" and they don't even...
  4. Rakin

    D&D 4E New ways 4e encourages rollplaying

    Any thoughts or insights?