• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. T

    Unearthed Arcana New UA: 43 D&D Class Feature Variants

    Been years since I last posted here.. For sorcerers, what about adding spell versatility as an option to Font of Magic, under flexible casting. To switch spells would require an expenditure of spell points equal to the spell's slot cost. This would limit it to 5th level spells max. Add the...
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    Fourth Edition Retro Clone

    I've been working on something similar for a while now. I've been posting primarily on fourthparty however. Here s link to my thoughts. I'm willing to pitch in.
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    D&D 4E 4E is the Right Direction for 5E

    Care Bears and Beanie Babies??? How did you come to THAT conclusion???
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    D&D 4E 4E is the Right Direction for 5E

    yes, but is it complex just for complexity's sake? To take your example of AC.... AC for each is a wash. Reflex in 4e is touch AC in 3e/Pathfinder, and in 4e covers 3e's Reflex Saves too. So one 4e defense replaces 2 from 3e. Eliminates redundancy, as both of the replaced 3e defenses boiled...
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    D&D 4E Whose staying with 4e?

    I can only answer for me, but here it goes. From all the designer and developer thoughts that have been released/leaked to this point has so far completely underwhelmed me. In fact, I would say the the direction they want to take the game is 900% in the opposite direction I want to go with my...
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    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    This is how I run my 4e games too. Too often my detailed adventures ran in the reality that is the herd of cats called PC's. I find it better to run a skeletal game, and feed off the players when it feels like the adventure would improve. It also gives the players a sense accomplishment, when...
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    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    Yes. The baseline feats from Essentials, barring the feat fixes of Expertise, are a decent starting point. I've worked on the math a bit, but it's not my area of expertise. I'd rather have a person like Benjamin Durbin do something for 4e, like he did for 3e with Trailblazer. It's not just...
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    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    Oh...on that I fully agree. In fact, I use the knight and slayer as a basis for my warrior. The part that strikes me as dull, is the lack of variety from the Encounter and Daily portion of the E-class fighters.
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    March In The Works: KOBOLDS and GOBLINS as PCs!

    I agree. If nothing else, make it an Eye on Eberron article. At least there the goblinoids have an in-game explanation to be allowed as PC races.
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    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    an update Ok, so far I've gotten the Assassin, Herald, Pathfinder, Scoundrel, and Warrior worked up to Level 2. I want to get it completed to 5th level to allow for a good beginner set. I've rethought a bit on how to utilize basic attacks in the power structure. I'm also a bit torn on whether...
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    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    So I started work on Martial classes and I came to the realize that, for the most part, I think I like the Essentials concepts and designs more. Well, except for the fighter classes, they still bore me to tears. But the Ranger, Rogue and Assassin subclasses seem to be more interesting...
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    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    I feel the same way. Up until this point, I have adopted/adapted to each edition that has come out, starting the the old Red Box. But I didn't do so due to some pavlonian response to hearing "D&D". I did so because the new edition was an improvement on previous editions. For awhile I was a...
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    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    Add another one to the pile of someone who didn't like Essentials, as a whole. A couple of the subclasses were interesting, at least thematically, like the hexblade and skald, for example. Subclasses should have been done as alternate class abilities, like was done in Martial Power 1 and 2...
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    D&D 4E Would you be interested in a dedicated 4e Site/Forum

    You have one right here. I honestly have no plans of moving on to 5e, so a dedicated site would be great.
  15. T

    DDXP Begins Today!

    I'm quoting Falstaff not to pick on him, but because this quote reinforces the train of thought I had last night on DDN and it's noble intention of unifying the community. The disparity of play and design between the editions from BECMI to 4e is too great. It been 30+ years since the old white...
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    What doesn't belong in the "core"

    Then what would be the point of including eladrin? What is so horrible about having an extra-planar, faerie-like being able to teleport short distances that sets people off so much? Strip that way, and you are right back to the Baskin-Robbins elf. If that is the case, then take the 4E Deva...
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    D&D 5E Hope for an open GSL?

    I'd rather see a looser GSL, than see WotC go the fool's route and embrace the OGL again. The OGL cost WotC 2 game systems....completely. D&D and d20 Modern. i see the comment that Mutants and Masterminds didn't hurt WotC's sales of D&D, but it did. Does anyone remember WotC's announcement for...
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    Let's Forget the Forgotten Realms

    Since this in a way is connected with GH, I'm going to comment on this. For all of the complaints against 4e for it's gamist attitude, why on earth would you want to bring back the biggest gamist element from 1e/2e. The Great Wheel is one huge conceit to support the alignment grid. It was too...
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    Consequences of simplifying marking

    I have to agree with the other posters. Why reinvent the wheel? While you could write it up as a class ability, it is better to write it up as a power as it is more concise to write it as a power. Keywords, such as Aura, contain rules that can be several paragraphs in length. It's just a...
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    Tarot as an At-Will

    Something like this was already done: Huxtropy The Major Arcana would need to be done, but I plan on using this as the basis for a trokka deck for a Ravenloft 4e campaign I want to run.