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  1. S

    How 4th edition PCs scale - the actual numbers

    While the analysis is nice in and of itself, what is really necessary is for a DM to get to know his party. You can build a level 4 encounter in many different ways. It might contain a level 6 soldier, some level 3 brutes or what have you, rather than simply being a straight '5 x level 4...
  2. S

    May Rules Update

    Absolutley. However, some of us will need to keeping buying them otherwise they'll cease to be! There's only so long Magic and other products can prop up the D&D product if sales plummet. Do masses of errata suck (in a keeping track of things way, not in a keeping the game playable way)...
  3. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    Just to let you all know I've posted copies of your character's session thoughts onto the site I e-mailed you all links to. For the sake of keeping things in one place and all that.
  4. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    Yep, I remember you saying you weren't going to be around. As I recall you were expecting to be back by 5pm CST? Would anyone mind delaying game start until, say, 1:30pm CST? That'll give us room to run until about 7:30pm and at least give Chris a chance to do something substantive? Or does...
  5. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    Just an FYI guys, I'm having some issues related to my primary e-mail address. Until you hear otherwise, could you send things through to: saitir at gmail dot com rather than my dworkin address? Cheers. Probabyl worth assuming that I've not read anything that was sent in the last 36...
  6. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    Excellent work! We'll make a programmer out of you yet ;) Actually, learn to use a for loop and you've got the skills to do most anything. If I could suggest a couple of minor tweaks. [h: wisMod = 4] [h: weapProf = 2] [h: attMod = wisMod+weapProf+1] The relatively minor benefit of this is...
  7. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    Excellent stuff, all of you. I just recalled that muppet/Ian/Atnod came to us via the rptools forum, so I've sent him the link to here. Now, ordinarily I'm a fan of dishing out goodies to players who contribute with write-ups and such. I avoid XP because history tells me that it leads to...
  8. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    A useful conceit in this setting is that everyone has to do a period of military service to help protect the City. This allows disparate people to have met, and allows something like a re-union or de-mob party to serve as a game opener. That said, anything that 'works' works for me ;)
  9. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    Geez, you turn you back for 5 minutes and the players just run rampage all over you! Glad to see some of the ideas here guys. WHile I have a campaign arc and story, I always find its the weird unexpected directions the players drag things that make a game truly intersting and unique. But...
  10. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    Ok, players and statuses as I understand them right now (as ever the early stuff tends to be a little chaotic, so feel free to correct me here): Contacted via e-mail Ftr - Defender (Fighter) kingchddg90 - Defender (Fighter) mistersolve - Striker (Sorcerer or Avenger) Joe...
  11. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    A general note to everyone here, by way of fairness to everyone! Should it come to a point where there are too many players available for the game and available in the right sort of timeslot, any tough choices will be made on the basis of interesting character plus ability to play well with...
  12. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    Hi Kairu and bobbyblues, I personally don't have any objection to a player with little experience, but I do tend to leave alot of the character and player management to the players themselves (so long as their are no destructive problems). Hopefully we can get a discussion going between all...
  13. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    First off thanks to everybody for their interest in the game. If the guys who haven't had the primer e-mail could send me their e-mail addresses I'll get that out to them. Send to saitir at dworkin dot org. Regarding the final party, technically speaking no one is confirmed yet, but that's...
  14. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    Hey there! So far it seems like our timing is going to be based around US central. Only absolute character choice so far hs been a fighter. Will forward more details to you later. Thanks for the interest.
  15. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    I'll be forwarding a primer on the setting within the next day to interested parties (I'll post it here if I can boil it down enough to be appropriate for a forum post). Essentially though, I allow any published material with minor racial exceptions - e.g. warforged, and the new shardmind...
  16. S

    [Online] 4th Edition D&D Game

    Hi I'm looking to start running an online 4th edition game. I've been a DM for more than a decade now and have recently lost access to my tabletop group. Game session to be held somewhere between Friday and Sunday (as best suites players). My own game world that I've been developing for a...
  17. S

    D&D 4E Heavy Concrete Data on 4e's Skill Challenge System (long, lots of tables)

    Nope, I spotted it right out the door and understood the dig he was having.
  18. S

    D&D 4E Heavy Concrete Data on 4e's Skill Challenge System (long, lots of tables)

    Yeah, all those hidden messages that are encoded in a funky secret language called 'english'. You should learn it sometime. Oh, and learn to take the rules as a whole rather than isolating parts from others and screaming 'but if I have to allow my players to roleplay, that means the system is...
  19. S

    A discussion of Keith Baker's post regarding the Skill Challenge system

    I give up, but one last try, I suppose... Yes, his maths are correct. But he's started from a false premise. Therefore, its invalid. First falsehood: The DC table isn't absolute. Its short table of of examples derived from the 'rule of thumb' DC calculation. Definition of a rule of thumb...
  20. S

    D&D 4E Heavy Concrete Data on 4e's Skill Challenge System (long, lots of tables)

    Wow, gotta love the way you entirely didn't read the post and just looked for support of your position. All he actually said is that the text doesn't properly convey the intention behind the system, not that the system is broken. Some of us have intelligence and comprehension enough to realise...