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  1. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Grimstaff, I was playing around with your Expert Rules and turning them into a pocketmod when I noticed that you had listed under 7th level Illusionist spells: "Prismatic Spray: 60’ Cone-shaped burst of rays for variety of effects:" ....but you didn't list the effects. Is this something you...
  2. G

    What Happened to Dominion Games

    Here's another page of working archived Dominion downloads for the completist free rpg collector: http://web.archive.org/web/20050208033420/www.dawndreamer.com/rpg.html
  3. G

    What Happened to Dominion Games

    jchristl I don't know what happened to the game or company, but a bit of a search turned up an archived version of their 2005 website and good news, the majority of the download links work (or did for me), including all the main rule booklets...
  4. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    I have a book published by the Folio Society which is 4 1/2 x 3 1/4 and then there are those miniature 1st Edition AD&D hardbacks published by an Italian firm I believe, I'm not sure of their dimensions but it must be something similar. So anything is possible....although reading that link about...
  5. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Brilliant idea lol
  6. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Now I'm totally bamboozled. Not having been able to make the pocketmod programme successfully open any of my own creations, I cynically tried your suggestion with the A4 Temple file and, praise be to the gods, IT WORKED!!! It is indeed now the same size as all the other pocketmods. So...
  7. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Oh no greywulf, the sky is falling. You've made the Temple adventure a wider format than the other pocketmods, it doesn't fit into my M20 slipcase, it's the end of the world!!!! :(
  8. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Good thinking 99, thanks for that Bytor - image sent :)
  9. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Ok I bit the bullet and drew up a plan of the slipcase I made. Now here's my problem: if I upload it to Photobucket, it reduces the size of the jpeg and thus destroys all the "actual size" measurements. Does anyone know how to upload it to the thread without going through an image hosting site...
  10. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    I must admit it is the simplicity of the system that I find attractive. Rule changes that make it more complex defeat the purpose and there are plenty of other "lite" rules out there that aren't as "micro" as M20. I think it is one thing to tweak a system to improve it and another to alter the...
  11. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Bugger! I knew I should've scanned the thing before I stuck it together. I basically opened up a dvd slipcase to see how it was constructed and then drew one up myself, using a ruler and some thin cardboard. The stuff I used was a bit too thick and something around the thickness of a greeting...
  12. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    I must have too much time on my hands, slipcase finished:
  13. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Nope doesn't work for me :-( I think I'll quit before I go insane and just enjoy the wonderful pocketmod creations of other people. Thanks anyway bytor :-)
  14. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Nope, definitely Greywulf's original rule book. It's the same height, just about half a centimetre wider - splitting hairs I know. lol, I did that too, thanks for that :-) Thanks bytor, I'll try your suggestion. I did download .Net and I do use Firefox. Who knows, computers don't always do...
  15. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    I've noticed that the core rule book is a larger format than all the other pocketmods. Any chance of it being made the same size as the others - maybe a smaller font? I've been considering making a cardboard sleeve/case to put them all in and it would be helpful if they were all the same size...
  16. G

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    These M20 pocketmods are so damn addictive, they've even managed to drag me out of official lurking status. My fingers are sore from so much cutting and folding :)