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  1. T

    Monster Book?

    Are there still plans for a Trailblazer-ized monster book? ...are we going to see anything further in the Trailblazer line?
  2. T

    Spell Lists

    Hello! I was wondering if anybody had - or most importantly, knew where I could find - a list of spells by name and class level. I'm hoping for it to include most (if not all) WotC releases... ...any luck?
  3. T

    Lowering Half-Celestial Level Adjust

    Hello! I was hoping to get some opinions on lowering the Level Adjust for Half-Celestial. In exchange for losing the spell-like abilities and the Spell Resistance, I was considering dropping the Level Adjust to +2. Can I get some other opinions on this?
  4. T

    Little help finding a Castle

    Hello, all! I have the cast, I have the crew; I have the ELs and CRs and mechanics and what-not... ...what I don't have is the stage. I'm looking for a castle. I'm not much of a mapper myself, so I'm looking for a map of the interior of a castle. I've already got some of the outlying...
  5. T

    How do you Dispel?

    Hello! My players and I enjoy a high-powered, high-fantasy, spell-slingin' style of game. We engage in heavy roleplaying and fantastical combats, generally with high-point-buys and Gestalted characters. We've played from levels one to twenty-eight, and ironed out the kinks we've found for...