• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Verdant Verdant lifts the helpless Rat Packer, and keeping him enlosed within his massive fist, carries him over to Citizen V. "Here you go, Boss"
  2. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Verdant's arm reaches out toward Kaiju, his massive hand on Kaiju's chest, "holding" his comrade back. He prompts the stragglers from the Rat Pack - "I'd do what the man says - He's a devil when his temper's up" OOC: Maintaining the Pin on the Rat Packer that Verdant's grappled, and "acting...
  3. Corvus Coronoides

    [M&M2E] Ultimate Thunderbolts - OOC (Recruiting!)

    Descriptive Combat I absolutely LOVE the descriptive combat - and the rolls make it just that much clearer. I'm just waiting for Payday - then I can pick up the PDF 2e rulebook, so that I can have a copy at work with me ! -Chris
  4. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Verdant Verdant moves purposefully, his already woody skin toughening and becoming rougher ... "Right. Lets get this show on the road." He moves towards the Rat Pack. As he closes, his left arm reaches out, extending far beyond what a normal arm should. His gnarled, woody fist attempts to...
  5. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Verdant Verdant looks out the window, taking note of the various locations of members of the Rat Pack. "Those two ... right ..... There", he mutters to himself, thinking out loud. He takes note of a couple of "bad guys" who aren't too far apart from each other. "Should be able to reach them...
  6. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Verdant "Looks like this is the way to go. Better than walkin'." Verdant climbed the entranceway of the plane, moving with an unnatural, and slightly unnerving fluidity. -Chris
  7. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Verdant "And lending The Ultimates a hand could never hurt our reputation" Verdant added. "When do we nick off to this warehouse ? And does anybody have a plan as to how we're going to stop this Rat Pack from getting the spaceship ?"
  8. Corvus Coronoides

    d20 Men in Black

    *fingers crossed* Hopefully these messages will *bump* us up the forum and get some notice -Chris
  9. Corvus Coronoides

    d20 Men in Black

    Anybody Home? Hiya gang ... Are we still going to be playing this game, or has it been cancelled and I didn't notice ? -Chris
  10. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Verdant "Thanks for the offer, Baron, But ..." Creak... Groan .. Crack As the other mambers of the newly-formed Thunderbolts looked on, Samuel Smithers began to Change. He grew slightly taller - but that was only the beginning. Before their eyes, his skin took on a deep brown colour, and...
  11. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Verdant Samuel Smithers thought for a moment, his hand on his chin. "What have I got to lose. Just got out of pokey, so other job offers arent exactly going to be rolling in. If you're on the up-and-up, then I guess I'm in." He stepped forward, offering his hand to Baron. "Looks like...
  12. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Verdant "It's an interesting offer, Baron. Might even be what I'm looking for. So, exactly what are we going to be doing ? Sitting around in this warehouse waiting for your World Crisis Monitor to go off ?" OOC : Apologies to fans (Myself included) of Greg Proops and "Whose Line Is It Anyway"
  13. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Verdant Samuel takes the big mans hand and returns the handshake. "I'm looking forward to doing something right for once as well. Taskmaster - I've heard of you, but we've never met. This could very well be an interesting group to work with" Samuel then looks over at the young man who is...
  14. Corvus Coronoides

    d20 Men in Black

    Great ! Can't wait to get started (Gonna have to dig out my olf West End Games MIB RPG as refresher material :D ) -Chris
  15. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Verdant Lower Manhattan, New York Warehouse September 12th, 2005 8:03 pm The first thing that anybody would notice is the hair. It may be short and neat, but it's Green. Anybody who as spent time "inside" would recognise the cut. The neatly trimmed moustache and beard are also green...
  16. Corvus Coronoides

    d20 Men in Black

    How does this look : Character Sheet : CHARACTER NAME : Ecks RACE : Human AGE : 27 CLASS (LEVEL) : Dedicated 5/Investigator 1 ... NET LEVEL : 6 SPEED : 30 ft. EXPERIENCE : 15,000 xp REPUTATION : 0 OCCUPATION : Law Enforcement PROGRESSION...
  17. Corvus Coronoides

    d20 Men in Black

    Cool ! I'll get you a character and background within the next 24 hours (already have all of the numbers crunched, Just have to write up the jumbled mess thats in my head) Thanks heaps -Chris
  18. Corvus Coronoides

    d20 Men in Black

    Position Open Query ? Hiya, Interested in taking an application for somebody to play a complete rookie (recruited last week type character ?) If you are, it shouldn't take me too long to come up with a background, and not much longer than that for a character sheet Thanks Chris
  19. Corvus Coronoides

    Ultimate Thunderbolts - IC

    Straigten myself up, and head off to this "Meeting" then, shall we ?!
  20. Corvus Coronoides

    [M&M2E] Ultimate Thunderbolts - OOC (Recruiting!)

    I found the option for advanced editing, so my original post is all pretty now - but I still havent worked out how to do the hidden "Spoilers" boxes yet ... can anybody help ? Thanks. Samuel will probably go with a costume once Clark's offer and what it entails is explained... -Chris