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  1. M

    Storming the Ship

    Ok guys, here's our thread. I'll get something gameplay wise up soon.
  2. M

    The Antigrol Tide (RG)

    Ok, folks, I reckon we're right ready to reveal our rugged rakish roguish rascals!
  3. M

    The Antigrol Tide (IC)

    All things come to he who waits, on the Antigrol tide . . . -- old Antigrol saying The late afternoon sun beat down out of a clear blue sky on Captian Ben Turion of the merchant schooner Pander Ban, sailing from the great trade port of Antigrol. The Captain stood on the poop deck, a...
  4. M

    The Antigrol Tide (OOC)

    The wind that blows from the East carries with it the seeds of Dissent. The great port city of Antigrol stretches herself languidly across the mouth of a giant river feeding the vast ocean. Once a seedy waypoint for passing sailors, it blossomed nearly overnight into a great trading meccha...