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  1. J

    In Love With Lenore.....

    (( Its an OOC Poem, please leave some OOC comments telling me what you like and dislike about such, this is ment to be a free verse with an attempt to place you in some what of a hypnotic sense when you read it to make it seem like there is a verse, put some ooc comments if you can please...
  2. J

    A Reason

    I've been around for a while, people haven't the clue who I've been for personal ooc reasons. Been around since TSR, with my sister helping me out, I don't have to many friends I know, I'm more of the uglier people you'll meet, and people think i'm crazy but the warmth of friends I got from TSR...
  3. J

    Fear not, The Undertaker

    Fear not, The Undertaker Day by Day, wonder who to due pay, Night of night, Fear not the sight, Deep in the dormant wooden cage, Lost in a dark dismay, how this is strange, There lays his tomb with no name, Control the beast one must say, The beast of fear, There is only known a way Only...
  4. J

    ISRP User Tally

    Life sucks then you Rp...Hi everyone, does anyone know who took my Jim?
  5. J

    Friends / allies / enemies of Krystal

    Throw James in there
  6. J

    Things to think about for upcoming upgrade

    Meh Bhryn don't be lazy just type out /quit :-)
  7. J

    How many individual patrons are here?

    as probably a lot know I have a brain tumor, and a cyst with some wierd cell pocket in my sinuses, so I'm here, good old James, if I dun live can minus 1
  8. J

    Things to think about for upcoming upgrade

    What about those who just don't understand how to tell time? I mean I live in my own world and everyone can't tell time there...does this apply to me? and does anyone have a miller highlife? The only time I know is what time my Man U reruns come on the tube
  9. J


    End... Inside me a darkness crept on, Once a part of me there, now gone Dreams I never lived, Oh dreary, I feel all so weary, Quite the contrary, My youth has escaped me, No longer a hint of glee, No longer the feeling of pain, sorrow, or misery Oh dear I miss these greatly, Where am I to...