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  1. DwarvenDog

    R.A. Salvatore to discuss his new book at Boston's Northeastern University

    Hello, I wanted to pass on some information about an author talk being held at Northeastern University next Friday, October 8th. R.A. Salvatore will be holding a discussion about his most recent book "Gauntlgrym." This event is free and open to the public, and the university provides...
  2. DwarvenDog

    "I'm Spartacus!"

    rogue, I own this Slavers module and should be able to dig it out of a box in the office. You can borrow it for a while if you'd like. Remind me on Tuesday.
  3. DwarvenDog

    D&D 3E/3.5 I Play 3.5; Sell me on Pathfinder

    Hey Remanthis, I'll try to help, based on what I've seen so far: - he's going to be able to more quickly adjudicate power attack. You don't have to choose your power attack number anymore. - fighter is more mobile in armor as he gains in levels. - fighter can do more with a standard...
  4. DwarvenDog

    3.5 high level woes and Paizo's hand in it.

    @Brown Jerkin, does your Ptolus DM have experience with other 3E high-level games where he DID get burned out with the system? Or is the Ptolus game a first attempt at getting to these levels?
  5. DwarvenDog

    3.5 high level woes and Paizo's hand in it.

    What are the non-paizo, high-level adventures that we can compare these to? Can we say that "company X" does high-level 3.5 really well? Does Whiterock or World's Largest Dungeon fix the high-level burnout problem? I ran a high-level 3.5 game from first through 21st level or so, drawing on...
  6. DwarvenDog

    How Long Is YOUR Campaign?

    Some info from my game I just ended a 7-year, 3-month campaign this past weekend. This is a timely thread, so here are some stats from my game: 8 characters (one of which is a player-controlled NPC) at the finale. 5 regular players, up as high as 8 at one point. 6 for the final session. 61...
  7. DwarvenDog

    Main differences between 3.5E, 4E, and Pathfinder?

    Well, Kind of. I'm saying that in 3E you start with a monster concept (I want a bipedal stegosaurus with four arms, that breathes fire) and after all the number-crunching is done it may not end up matching the level you want to play at. Your example of needing more HD to cover needed feats is...
  8. DwarvenDog

    Main differences between 3.5E, 4E, and Pathfinder?

    I wanted to briefly step in, to the defense of monster creation across the editions. There's a lot to like, and a few things to dislike, about both methods of getting this job done. Each game system rewards (or punishes) certain types of monster-builders differently. 3rd edition monster...
  9. DwarvenDog

    Adventure Paths: Which Ones Are You Enjoying?

    Psion, to your list I'd add the original 3.0 modules WoTC put out at the start of 3rd edition. Even though the theme/story wasn't particularly well defined, they did accomplish most of what you describe as an adventure path. Only reason I bring them up is because my 7-year campaign based on...
  10. DwarvenDog

    Epic Fight turns into Epic Farce

    rolling three out of 5 1's and having your non-afraid cohort bumble along after you ("uh, guys... those were just dogs...") is a memorable encounter, the story of which will last many game sessions to come. Have fun with what happens, not with what you expect to have happen. Otherwise, why...
  11. DwarvenDog

    Should NPCs Have to Follow the Same Rules as PCs?

    This may end up being a bad example, but let's say they do all these things, it plays out well, there's some good creepy investigation and play is approaching the climax. If the ability to raise the dead, in this particular example, is not indicative of the challenge presented by this kobold...
  12. DwarvenDog

    Should NPCs Have to Follow the Same Rules as PCs?

    Right, this is what I'm getting at, though. The players encounter the same kobolds they already killed, figure out something's up, and uncover that this one kobold can raise his tribe back from the dead. Do they proceed from a position of knowing "Raise Dead" is a 5th level spell? Meaning...
  13. DwarvenDog

    Should NPCs Have to Follow the Same Rules as PCs?

    The PHB magic system is the foundation. This means the PC's understand that it takes a high priest to raise the dead, or an archmage to throw a meteor swarm. If a PC warmage observes an NPC warmage casting Fireball, and the PC is only of high enough level to cast magic missile, then the PC can...
  14. DwarvenDog

    Should NPCs Have to Follow the Same Rules as PCs?

    This is a difficult question for me as well. I like my NPC's to have a certain leeway with what resources they have available, what they know, and what they can bring to the table for/againat the PC's. However, in running a game I am trying to create the sense of a consistent world. If the...
  15. DwarvenDog

    PHB II: Fighter Alternate Class Abilities

    All three of the fighter class abilities follow the same mechanic: Make a single attack as a full-round action and get this other benefit. My question, from both a balance/intent perspective is... do the benefits stack? In other words, if you have taken all three alternate abilities and you...
  16. DwarvenDog

    Greyhawk: Welcome to the Age of Worms - or how campaigns can die

    SPOILERS: In Mustrum's defense, this particular dragon had self-buffing magic items that should have raised its CR by 1 or 2 points. It has: a +5 amulet of natural armor, a +5 ring of resistance, and a ring of evasion. If you are of the mind that a dragon should be allowed to spend its...
  17. DwarvenDog

    My take.

    Isn't this more or less modeled by the ability to use a large chunk of 3E skills untrained? Aren't the DC's of most common tasks within an acceptable random chance for people doing them without training? The whole point of a specialist "skill-monkey" is to shine in these situations. Take...
  18. DwarvenDog

    Need Help making a Campaign-World Document for Players

    Do you consider yourself tech-savvy? I would actually recommend putting together a wiki or a campaign website, rather than a word doc. With a wiki, you have control over managing how content gets added or changed over time. You don't have to print new copies and distribute every time you want...
  19. DwarvenDog

    Ethics of Killing POWs

    The sad thing is that I deliberately chose not to give the guy Improved Critical with that spear because I wanted to minimize the chance for an actual crit. Should've used the crit deck tonight, in hindsight.
  20. DwarvenDog

    Finished Red Hand of Doom (spoilers)

    Silence is one spell effect that can be tied to a (un)hallow spell. Duration is one year, and can be keyed to affect all creatures that don't share your alignment/faith. That's probably what was going on here. Completely rules-legal.