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Search results

  1. T

    4e Stranded

    Keldi (Kel as most his friends call him) is a good natured halfling whose biggest weakness is a propensity to help anyone he believes to be in need. When he was young an unfortnate mix of curiosity and lack of common sense almost led him to become a real trouble maker. Fortunately after a...
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    4e Stranded

    If someone from your original group doesnt fill the defender slot, I would be interested in playing a halfling Paladin named Keldi (Kel for short). Kel is a tough and spirited Paladin of Avandra who loves adventure, travel, and making new friends. His small stature has caused many enemies to...
  3. T

    The Shadow Council (Solo Game)

    Normally everything in there would be usable except the planar sheperd PrC, but I'm afraid I have some bad news. As you may have figured out from my infrequent visits here lately, I've been quite busy. As a matter of fact, I've been busy enough that I don't think I can run this game right now...
  4. T

    Best group?

    I vote for... Druid Cleric (support, archer/healer/trapfinder) Cleric (Tank) Wizard
  5. T

    Yet another RAW poll! :)

    I get it, I was just making a joke that some people disagree with the assertion that the FAQ isn't RAW.
  6. T

    Yet another RAW poll! :)

    Where is the option for "RAW only, including the FAQ?" :p
  7. T

    Animal Companion Bonus Tricks Question

    But it doesn't actually seperate the sentance that way, does it?
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    Animal Companion Bonus Tricks Question

    Under the Bonus Tricks description it says: I'm most interested in the second sentance. Does a strick RAW reading of the rule mean that bonus tricks don't require any Handle Animal checks at all (including the DC 10 check required to command an animal to perform trick that it knows), or that...
  9. T

    What Races are worth their LA?

    I definately feel the same way about these comments. Some races I think are worth the LA include: Slyph (MMII)-3 HD, +5 LA, Outsider with great stat boosts, improved invisibility at will, a limited summoning ability, and casts as a 7th level sorcerer. Additionally, they gain sorcerer caster...
  10. T

    Advice on 9th level Monk doing 6d6 damage per strike...

    That makes sense, and it's also why I wasn't sure if it would matter (since you have to choose which one you're using, the damage from the large gauntlets, or the damage from medium sized monk). I was just concerned cause it seemed like your former answer excluded the second option.
  11. T

    The Shadow Council (Solo Game)

    @Thanee-From my looking over of it, things seem to be in order. Just to be sure, are you planning on leaving some slots free, or have you just not decided what to do with them yet. Hmm...maybe that's the same thing... @ByteRynn-Could you post your updated sheet in the RG? I'll try to have...
  12. T

    Advice on 9th level Monk doing 6d6 damage per strike...

    Are you saying that and doesn't lead to the conclusion that a monk wearing gauntlets still does normal monk damage when using his fists?
  13. T

    The best non-monk unarmed combatant

    Well it looks like you're decided, but I still want to add my vote for the psywar as the best unarmed combatant, even including the monk. Of course that's only if you want to stay in a normal form and just focus on unarmed melee combat. Otherwise, a wild shaping druid is easily superior to either.
  14. T

    Advice on 9th level Monk doing 6d6 damage per strike...

    What if the character in question is using gauntlets for a large sized character? Would that make a difference? More importantly, maybe you should be thankful that the player hasn't decided to pull out all the stops and make a ridiculous unarmed attacker out of his monk.
  15. T

    The Shadow Council (Solo Game)

    Sorry once again for my infrequent appearances here, but I’ve just been swamped for the last week or so. I promise things will get more regular soon. I’ve done a once over of the character sheets and the following things need to be addressed. ByteRynn: I like to know the details behind...
  16. T

    The Shadow Council (RG)

    Please post your characters here.
  17. T

    The Shadow Council (Solo Game)

    Ok, so things didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked with my move in experience. I'm internet capable again though (and boy oh boy was the withdrawl painful), so I should be able to handle things for this game soon. To answer your question about action points Thanee, yes we will be using...
  18. T

    The Shadow Council (Solo Game)

    @players-I'm driving back to school tomorrow, which takes me about 12 hours. Usually unpacking and getting moved in takes me another day as well, so I probably won't be on till Thursday. If you have any questions between now and then, feel free to post them and I'll address them when I get...
  19. T

    The Shadow Council (Solo Game)

    Yes indeed, there are many good reasons to play a conjurer. Ya, both suggestions would do a lot to limit the character, but they would also have some perks. If you're happy with things the way they are though, I am too. After all, if you're looking for versatility, it's hard to do better...
  20. T

    The Shadow Council (Solo Game)

    Alright folks, I've looked over the submissions (which actually wasn't all that difficult since there are only four of them) and I've made my decision. At this point I think it would be best to include two characters in this game, Kipling (ByteRynn's character) and Serrah (Thanee's character)...