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  1. M

    STARGATE UNIVERSE #6:Trial and Error /Season 2/2010

    I thought that too at the beginning of the season. However, everyone on the ship jumped to the conclusion it was the blue aliens without a second glance and the storylines have continued that path. Since she was left alone when Eli went to save Scott, in an unexplored part of the ship, I...
  2. M

    Stargate Universe #3

    I kinda think that the aliens attacking the Gate were tipped off by them trying to activate the gate to the ship. They don't want anyone going to the ship. The same aliens could be keeping tabs on the ship, hence the probe or shuttle leaving at the end. That was my first thought, and on...
  3. M

    Midnight impressions

    I think it works well for the First Age of Middle-Earth, after the fifth(?) battle. The characters cannot kill Izrador (Morgoth, as Fingolfin found out). The baddies have overrun much of the lands with a few resistance places left (the few elf holds like the Girdle of Melian, Turgon's place, and...
  4. M

    Battlestar Galactica #15 : No Exit/Season 4 Finale

    I'm not sure, the group made a quick off-hand comment about how they were warned of the apocalypse, and they each saw a different figure. Shades of Baltar and the Head-Six? Also... I had this suspicion before this last set of episodes aired that Roslin was the final cylon, and Adama was the...
  5. M

    When did We Stop Trusting Game Designers?

    It happened when Santa became a stalker. He knows when you are sleeping, or awake. He knows if you have been bad or good. That is just creepy.
  6. M

    Sanctuary [Sci-Fi]

    I thought it was kinda... okay. Not great but not bad, either. I will continue to see it a few more to see if it grows on me. Dialog was horrible at the beginning, and the personalities involved just didn't do much. I thought it reminded me a lot of Torchwood, when the big reveal came (welcome...
  7. M

    How is FR changing with 4E?

    Swordmage, the latest book, is set fairly close to the end of the 100 year jump. Other series will be set after the timeline is advanced. They had said that no books were going to be chronicling the Spellplague, but I noticed Steve Schend's Blackstaff Tower is set to be close to the end of the...
  8. M

    How is FR changing with 4E?

    let me see... 1) they change the pantheon.. many deities are killed for no sane reason, others are nerfed into some subservient role, and others are discovered to always be aspects of others (Sehanine was really Selune, Gond was Moradin, etc) 2) This massive backlash from killing Mystra...
  9. M

    Looking for Altenative Exp System

    WOW (and not the videogame) Great ideas there. Thanks for posting them. I like how it can be used for more than one system, and can reward roleplaying by the player, not by what the GM thinks should be rewarded. Good thread.
  10. M

    Dark elves and Drow in the 4th ed Forgotten realms

    .... and all of you are using "outdated" materials. It has been changed again with regards to history before "the fall". The last book in the Penitent series, Ascendancy of the Last, makes everything confusing, even on other FR oriented boards as nothing is clear. I won't give spoilers here...
  11. M

    Did the WotC boards blow up...again?

    yep. I agree. I really like the look of enworld currently. Kudos on a job well done.
  12. M

    What defines D&D ?

    Rolemaster, again..... (Had to beat PJ to the punch)
  13. M

    What defines D&D ?

    Yes, I can see your point. But the default has changed, along with Forgotten Realms and presumably Greyhawk and the others if they get printed. The default fluff was changed.
  14. M

    Bow training

    Yep, it is called "instinctive" archery. It is very similar to throwing a ball at someone; you don't have target sights, you just let 'er rip. Volleys were used at long distances, but for close up shooting, such as hunting or close fighting, an archer had to shoot without thinking about it...
  15. M

    What defines D&D ?

    Nailed it, with this post and the previous one you had. I was going to use the Rolemaster example also. Fluff means a lot, also, but that can change with the gameworld, too. The default fluff has changed in 4e, and for those who want devils, demons, and the rest to be specific entities from...
  16. M

    Battlestar Galactica-Final Season (4) 6/13/08--Revealations (Mid Season-Finale)

    What I also found interesting was Deanna's comment that she wanted the four cylons within the fleet, not all five. If I can recall correctly, she actually said only four are in the fleet..... (Anyone provide the quote?) That can lead to all sorts of speculation. Perhaps the fifth one, the one...
  17. M

    Battlestar Galactica-Final Season (4) 5/16/08--Guess What's Coming to Dinner

    Odd question concerning that. I didn't see the mini-series, but in the flashbacks I remember him giving up his seat to Baltar, and staying there with a group of people for which there wasn't room for. When the series started, however, he was alone. What happened to the other colonists? Was it...
  18. M

    Are you interested in Middle-earth setting or supermodule?

    I would've dumped Liv Tyler and taken Miranda Otto if I was Aragorn (and I usually prefer brunettes)... uhhh... anyway, there are a lot of Tolkein-esque stuff there. The Midnight setting is a huge take-off of the 1st Age Middle Earth ;The evil god walks around in the North, the other (good)...
  19. M

    Battlestar Speculation

    Now that I think about it, Baltar would also make a great choice. After all the "you are not a Cylon" talk from the No. 6 vision, he does turn out to be one. Another topic would be the "Who will not make it to Earth" talk. Ronald Moore hinted very strongly in the small special the other night...
  20. M

    Battlestar Speculation

    Since Anders, Saul, and Tyrol were leaders of the resistance against the Cylons on New Caprica, I always have thought that the Final Five not only do not agree with the other Cylons, but are assisting Humanity. You would be correct, if they wanted to destroy humanity, they had their chance...