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  1. T

    Buffy 11 Feb 03

    Couldn't one illustrate a charm ability by replacing the target's eyes with hearts?
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    New Angel tonight (1/15/03)

    Re: Resident Evil,,,, Possible spoiler http://us.imdb.com/Name?Dushku,+Eliza Under Notable TV Guest Appearances, she's listed as appearing as "Faith" in episodes 4.13 and 4.14, though I have no idea what number last night's episode was off the top of my head.
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    [Buffy] New Episode Tonight. Don't forget! [SPOILERS]

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Faith When did this happen? Well, obviously, before Tara got shot dead. But I swear, this is the first I've ever heard of this. Then again, I just found out today that Giles "dreamed of being a fighter pilot or a grocer," so I guess I shouldn't feel so awful. Did I like...
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    [Buffy] New Episode Tonight. Don't forget! [SPOILERS]

    Re: Re: Faith You know, last season there was about half an episode where Spike realized he could beat the snot out of Buffy without any ill effects from his chip. Then, towards the end of the season, he went after her again in the rape scene. He had that one moment of lucidity, where he was...
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    [Buffy] New Episode Tonight. Don't forget! [SPOILERS]

    I just assume there's Buffy and Faith, with a third somebody running around out there with Slayer abilities. I hope she shows up sometime before the end of the season. I also hope that the First Slayer is called into action. That having been said, have we ever really discussed who would win...
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    [Buffy] New Episode Tonight. Don't forget! [SPOILERS]

    This gets me thinking. You know what I want? I want the finale to be the war that Buffy promised us last month when she declared the Scoobies an army. I want Buffy hacking off heads and hewing down evil. I want Spike there at her side, and I want to meet the new Slayer, too. I want Willow...
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    [Buffy] New Episode Tonight. Don't forget! [SPOILERS]

    What I caught was just the teensiest, tiniest indentation of the fabric of his jacket as the back of her left hand brushed up against it. I probably would have missed it, except that I had my blue contacts in at the time, granting me a +2 racial bonus to my Spot check.
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    [Buffy] New Episode Tonight. Don't forget! [SPOILERS]

    I saw it! I saw it! I saw Anya's hand brush up against Giles as they exited the portal back to our dimension! ...ooh, I've wasted my life. sigh.
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    BtVS - 12/16/02

    Well, ever since I first saw Normal Again, I've been wondering if the series would end with Buffy coming out of her coma for good, especially with the way it ends -- not in the "Buffyverse," but in the Real World (TM). With that thought in the back of my head, I thought it was weird that they...
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    BtVS - 12/16/02

    Should I be wondering if there's any significance in UPN airing the two episodes they're airing tonight? A'cuz I am. --RonJon
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    BtVS - 12/16/02

    Well, they did say that The First (I am getting SO sick of that phrase :p ) can only impersonate the dead. Though that could only be what The First (Joss) wants them (us) to think. Sigh. This is too complicated for an idiot like me. Maybe I can still catch a little bit of Son of the Beach...
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    BtVS - 12/16/02

    So it's not just me. Yeah, I was watching -- I saw him sit down once, but he touched no one. Does this make me a nerd? Honestly, I was wrestling with myself going back and forth over whether or not he's dead. But that show's thrown its fair share of curveballs before, so I'm not ruling out...
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    Forgotten Realms Cast

    Danny DeVito does *not* work for me as Mirt. I'd use Robbie Coltrane instead. He was in Nuns on the Run and plays an ex-KGB agent in the newest Bond films, starting with Goldeneye. http://us.imdb.com/Name?Coltrane,+Robbie edit: I forgot, most of you have probably seen Harry Potter. He was...
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    NWN Conversions of existing modules - big "No-No"

    So the question now becomes, "What from Bioware can we cannibalize?" How do you look at the IE games and discern what belongs to Bioware and what belongs to Wizards? I can't believe that everything in BG2 belongs to Wizards just because it's D&D, since there's a lot of original content in...
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    Evil Bard Prestige Class?

    That Dark Minstrel was WAY too gothy for me. I recommend using skills and feats to create something like the AD&D bard kit called the Blade, whose performances onstage involved elaborate displays of deadly-looking swordplay. He dresses in stuff like black studded leather to add to the...
  16. T

    I need your recommendations for Prestige Classes

    Or feats. My own Duelist wields a keen rapier with Improved Critical, and his threat range extends from 20 down to 12.
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    Leveling: How do you do it?

    I've participated in games where experience was doled out after every encounter, and leveling up took place immediately upon passing the mark. I don't like it. In my own games, experience is handed out in between games via email, or during setup at the next game. Leveling up only takes place...
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    My DN Rant (cont'd)

    Well, I can add this, quoted out of page 4 of 'Running the Realms,' which was included in the gray FR boxed set: "It was on the merit of these articles [that Ed Greenwood wrote for Dragon magazine] that the Realms were suggested as a basis for an AD&D campaign, and eventually as the home for...
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    My DN Rant (cont'd)

    I'm surprised I didn't catch this earlier. :D Sure, dude, hook me up.
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    Wanted D20 Conversions (yes, I know it's been done before, pls read first)

    I could certainly use some help converting Beneath the Twisted Tower, and a month or two from now, perhaps the last two books of Night Below.