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Search results

  1. I

    Steven Erikson: "Memories of Ice"<A critique, and a thread on style and criticism>

    "The stupid Burn hammer thing." How is the end of the world stupid? It's been a while since I read but I seem to remember the fear that waking Burn would equal the end of the world. That's pretty strong motivation to keep it from happening. As far as Itkovian goes, I still say he wasn't cruel...
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    Steven Erikson: "Memories of Ice"<A critique, and a thread on style and criticism>

    Spoilers ahead As far as the enemy units go, it's the difference between carrying out a siege and being sieged yourself. Also, the enemy figured that the K'ell Hunters would protect them regardless. The Pannion never really had a great strategy. He had the matron, the K'ell hunters, and the...
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    I wish Zhang Yimou had done the Star Wars prequels

    Lucas is great at coming up with the basic idea, but as a director he leaves a lot to be desired. The prequel trilogy just never fit with the original trilogy. The OT was designed to be like the old serials. You had the classic archetypes, you had the broad storytelling not focusing on one...
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    No! No! Baaaaaaad Marvel Comics!

    I thought the film version of Arwen and Aragorn's love story was much better. The book barely mentions her. Tolkien's masterpiece was fantastic, but it does have a few flaws. Some of his characters are well done and others are pretty one dimensional. Aragorn is one of the one dimensional ones...
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    New CGI Star Wars series

    But, there is approximately a 20 year period between Sith and SW that we have virtually no info on. We get a live action series on that, but then an animated on the rather extensively covered and not very interesting Clone Wars. Yet, we get absolutely nothing outside of the Knights of the Old...
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    This Weekend at the Boxoffice: 2007.May.29

    Wild Hogs is just a genuinely funny movie. Some movies show you all the funny parts in the trailers, but not that one.
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    New CGI Star Wars series

    Yawn. The Clone Wars just aren't that interesting. We've already had the PT and the animated Clone Wars Volumes 1 and 2. What more do we need? If he wants to do a series why not a series from either between the PT and the OT, or way in the past? Those would be infinitely more interesting. I'm...
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    Malazan Book of the Fallen

    The first half of book one is tough. You don't know what is going on and it isn't as well written as the rest of the series. The second half is much better. The whole book is much better on a re-read, which I recently did. Deadhouse Gates is brilliant, as are Memories of Ice and Midnight...
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    Somebody Explain Kill Bill, please...

    A few things here. First, I agree with those that say Part 2 was better. Both were great but Part 2 was more enjoyable to me. I guess I like QT's dialogue and the scenes with Bill were awesome to me. Secondly, everyone has a different taste. Some watch Kill Bill and see a good movie that is...
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    Lost 05/09/07

    Why is there such a big discussion about how the hole was dug, why it was dug, etc? Why does it matter? It was simply there to show what they did to the Dharma folks and a place for Ben to waylay Locke. Seriously, some of you are looking too hard for something to complain about regarding Lost.
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    Spider-Man 3 [may contain spoilers]

    The problem with splitting this movie in two is it will be very unlikely that all involved (Raimi, Tobey, etc) come back together for another Spidey. This was probably the last one with them, and it felt that way. I thought the movie was pretty good. I thought they may have had too many...
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    Lost 5/2/07 "The Brig" (spoilers)

    The public display and threats of leaving him behind were to "encourage" Locke to carry out his task. What task was that? Not to kill his father, but to get Sawyer to. I don't buy the stuff that the other that handed him Sawyer's file said. He said Ben was wasting their time with the fertility...
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    Lost 5/2/07 "The Brig" (spoilers)

    Ben played Locke like a fiddle in this episode. I don't know why he would want Sawyer to kill Cooper, but he definately got Locke to do that. One thing about Ben we all have to remember, the guy is a master at playing mind games. Nothing he does is by accident. Another great episode. The only...
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    Lost - 4/25/07 "D.O.C." (spoilers)

    Sun is probably the only one on the show that truly gets it besides Sayid. She understands the others are the enemy. She capped Pickett's woman early in the season, not buying into the "we're not your enemies" line. She asked the questions we've been wanting someone on the show to ask, "why are...
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    Children of Hurin

    I saw this was recently released. I'm wondering if this is good. I've read the standard Tolkien - Silmarillion, the Hobbit, and LOTR. Is this worth reading as well?
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    LOST - 4/11/07 - One of Us (spoilers)

    Another good episode. This episode was all about trying to make you feel compassion for Juliette and then pulling the rug out from under her. Jack continues to be an a-hole and an idiot. Sayid and Sawyer still have the ability to read people. If I had to pick one guy from the island I would want...
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    It's Official: Star Trek XI Greenlit, JJ Abrams to direct

    Didn't all those shows start declining in viewership after Abrams' involvement decreased? The bottom line is Abrams isn't being asked to create a long running TV show here, he is being asked to create a movie and probably a few sequels. What are we looking at here, 2 hours or so per movie...
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    Lost 2-21-97

    I've been a big supporter of Lost and have defended it a lot, but last night's episode really got to me. Don't tell us you are going to reveal all these secrets we've been waiting for and then let us down like that. I don't want them to tell us everything at once, but it's Season 3 for goodness...
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    New A Song of Ice and Fire Update: still not done

    I agree with you. George gave fantasy a serious shot in the arm when AGOT was published. The next two books were each better than the previous book. I still hold up ASOS as the best modern novel I've read. His series is widely considered the best modern fantasy at this moment. It has the...
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    Ghost Rider?

    There's a large difference between expecting a movie to win an oscar and expecting it to be of high quality. Spidey and Batman Begins weren't Oscar worthy but were still great movies. I don't see why comic book movies can't live up to those standards. They certainly should be expected to since...