• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. B

    E-Z tiles??

    I have them, and they come on a fairly thick stock of paper/cardstock, much thicker than most cardstock. The cards are covered with a plastic coating, making them spill-resistant, and I think you can write on them with dry-erase markers. Don't quote me on that though, I'd hate to ruin your set...
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    Dungeon 144 Web Supplements

    Anyone know when the maps and other handouts will be posted to Paizo's website? I like printing them out in color rather than photo-copying them out at work...
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    Everything Thieves Guilds Do

    Read "Wiseguy" or watch "Goodfellas." The modern American Thieves' Guild. The Mafia has always been about theft, it's their primary source of cash (according to Henry Hill). I'd recommend reading the book over seeing the movie. MUCH more details, especially on the JFK robbery. $17M was stolen...
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    From Toddler to Teenager: Fantasy Games for All Ages

    I can't think of anything specific, BUT my local game store has quite a few stuffed dragons, etc, that might be interesting for a newborn. Keep your eyes out for some of the "Playsets" Wal-Mart offers. I've seen fantasy characters, Harry Potter-esque characters, faries and a few others mixed in...
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    Looting and the State

    Usually, the argument goes more like this one: http://nodwick.humor.gamespy.com/ffn/index.php?date=2006-01-11 Hmm.. Tomb Raider vs. The Taxman. I see a vidoe game, if it can be written, produced and shipped by Apr. 15th...
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    What attracted you to D&D?

    A friend had the game, said it was cool. I said, why not? and rolled up a fighter. This was back in Jr. High. Had a blast, played "Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl" with the weapons from "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks." After that, we played through Keep on the Borderlands with more normal...
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    The Trends I'm Seeing... WOW! I never though I would start a thread that would get so much discussion! Anyhoo... One thing I'm seeing as I read these posts is an interest in creating a "freeform" boardgame for casual players, but STILL be able to expand into the full tabletop/imagination...
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    D&D, The Board Game I've been seeing that a lot, and it seems like it might be a good idea. To keep the hobby going, you have to have ways of getting new people interested. Walking into a game store and seeing hundreds of books, all at $25 and up is a little daunting to a 12 year old, AND his...
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    Try the magic of http://www.rpol.net It's free, easy to use, comes with a built in dice roller, and is where I play.
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    MMORPGs where you can either write up your own adventures using a point and click interface, or change specific rules in "your area?" Rewrite up the "Old School" or your favorite old or new module/world of your choice? A combonation of Neverwinter Nights and MMORPG, where you can invite your own...
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    Some good ideas here, but not necessarily "The Next Big Thing." I came into D&D during the Eric Holmes boxed set, and not long after TSR did one attempt to make D&D "Mainstream," with the Tom Moldvay/David Cook Boxed sets. Not that the game itself was mainstream, but the advertising copy was...
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    As I logged onto the ENWorld website, I was greeted by a doom and gloom snippet from Ryan Dancey's blog, and it got me to thinking. Yes, I know, dangerous territory, so I'll pause for a brief moment while everyone shrugs into a set of body armor. Everybody ready? OK. What IS the "Next Big...
  13. B

    Dear Hasbro: about those minis

    Hasbro vs. Milton Bradley... Right now, Milton Bradley is actually doing something about this, on a smaller scale. The "HeroScape" game sells minis just the right size for D&D, and sells them in sets, and in clear blister packs. You know what you're getting, and what you're NOT getting. WoTC...
  14. B

    Is WOTC falling into a problem like the old TSR did

    Therein lies the problem with many complex games: once everything has been done, you either leave it alone, or you reinvent everything! And of course, if you reinvent everything, people who played the previous version will moan and groan that you "ruined everything, in the pursuit of the...
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    Most Unexpected/Funny Ways the PCs Killed A Creature

    I was DMing the Shackled City for my group, when the skulk in the Locksmith's shop tried to jump down from the second floor and suprise the party. UNFORTUNATLY, I rolled a 1 on the jump, and he splattered himself all across the floor! The fall did enough damage to kill him, and I debated with my...
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    So what is your favorite module, ever?

    Old School: Desert of Desolation New School: The Crucible of Freya (Necromancer Games) New School that actually feels like Old School: Into the Wilds (Goodman Games)
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    Your first brush with D&D (OF ANY STRIPE)

    Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl with the weapons from Expedition to the Barrier Peaks... That was MY first encounter with D&D, over at a friend's house. He showed me how to create a character, then GAVE me the weapons from Barrier Peak, and I started tromping my way across the glacier. Zapped a...
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    Item Cards for Kids

    Does anyone know where I could find a set of cards of the more common D&D type items, swords, daggers, bows, arrows, wands, armor, shields, etc on some sort of card/business card format? My son is still learning how to read, and can't always remember what he has in his backpack or other items he...
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    The New Rules Cyclopedia

    Rules Cyclopedia vs. Basic Set vs. Hardback Editions This opinion comes from an OLD schooler, so take it with the appropriate sized grain of salt... I started out with the Eric Holmes Boxed Set, then received the core books for Christmas 1982. Later I bought the Moldvey/Cook boxed sets, and...