Search results

  1. meomwt

    D&D 5E Princes of the Apocalypse in Greyhawk

    It's great that the new Prices of the Apocalypse adventure book has notes for playing the scenario on Greyhawk. What riles me is that, given that the book has a lot of "gazetteer" entries about the FR (default setting for the adventure), without buying the book, I can't tell how much of that...
  2. meomwt

    D&D 5E Does 5E NEED a campaign world book?

    Here's the thing: if you want to run a Greyhawk game, there's a wealth of material available on the interwebs - from official PDF's to the Oerth Journal to Canonfire! and their home-brewed offerings. If the Realms are your bag, then they have more support than any other world. Want to scare...
  3. meomwt

    HeroForge down

    Earlier in the week, I checked on the HeroForge Repository and found a holding page for their Hosting Site. This is a shame, as there were some useful tools on the 3.5 page (MonsterForge, TownForge, etc.). They used to have some mirror sites, does anyone know if these are still in operation...
  4. meomwt

    Dumb terminology question...

    I know that open-ended campaigns are called sandboxes, I just don't know why! Can anyone shed any light on the origins of this term? And if anyone else has any terminology questions, don't be shy, please feel free to use this thread and throw them to the good folks of our Community.
  5. meomwt

    BBC News Website covers D&D Insider

    Linked here Includes a quote from a Mr Ryan of this parish (and Esdevium).
  6. meomwt

    Anyone go to GenCon UK?

    Went to last year's Con, but couldn't make it this year (and, as it happened, couldn't have, as Mrs meomwt has been in hospital for the last week or so :.-( ). Just wondered if anyone was at Reading this year, and if so, what was the experience like? And who managed to say 'Hi!' to Erik Mona? ;)
  7. meomwt

    A Kingdom Divided: meomwt's WotBS Story Hour

    Chapter 1, Part 1: Farewell to the Old New Year’s Eve, just before midnight. The Poison Apple Pub was quiet and dark. Only the very observant would have noticed the chinks of light escaping through the cracks in the boards over the windows. Light made by Torrent, a pretty girl with a big axe...
  8. meomwt

    Where have the Reviews gone?

    The Reviews Section has vanished. I wondered where it had gone and whether it would be back. BTW, Googling ENWorld still brings up a (dead) link to the Reviews Section.
  9. meomwt

    Question regarding half-elf parentage

    Just a quickie. I'm building a half-elf character for a new game, and was wondering whether making him half-drow should have any mechanical effect on the character, rather than being a background detail for extra RP flavour. All opinions welcomed!
  10. meomwt

    The Scouring of Gate Pass commences

    My War of the Burning Sky Campaign will begin tonight. I'm hoping to keep posting updates in the Story Hour section of ENWorld, though they won't necessarily be the masterpieces that other people churn out, I'm hoping they'll be entertaining enough that people want to read. Apart from my wife...
  11. meomwt

    Help! Mass Combat Rules Suggestions Required

    I’ve been running a RuneQuest game for a little while (long story), however there are one or two in the group who’d like to wrap things up and get back to playing D&D 3.5. The campaign has been revolving round the incursion of the Lunar Empire into the PC’s homelands. The original intent in...
  12. meomwt

    North-West England - are you looking for a game?

    Wanted! Mature (twenty-something and upwards) roleplayer for established group, based in Southport (Merseyside), UK. We meet weekly on Thursdays between 7pm and 10pm. We will be playing Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, but are willing to try out other games and genres as the inclination takes us. I...
  13. meomwt

    Campaign Overhaul?

    I've been following and enjoying the Sandbox thread on this Forum. I was looking at it last night, and it prompted me to ask Mrs meomwt (a player in our group) how she had been enjoying the game I'd been running before Christmas (currently on hiatus and replaced by some heavy-duty RuneQuest 3)...
  14. meomwt

    Druid Training?

    My wife is playing a Druid in our newest campaign. One of her motives for travelling up to the campaign's present base was to find a 'mentor' for additional training. Her take on a Druid seems (to me) akin to Pratchett's witches (in a way) - wisdom and lore of the land passed down from...
  15. meomwt

    AutoREALM - any tips?

    Hi, I'm just starting to use AutoRealm, and it is slow going. Anyone who is familiar with it have any tips to improve my learing experience? I know there is a Yahoo! group (which I used to sort out a problem last evening), but I'm after practical hints from real users where possible...
  16. meomwt

    Age of Worms H/C - unlikely :(

    In this thread on the Paizo boards, James Jacobs notes that a hardcover compilation of The Age of Worms AP is looking less and less likely. This is a real shame, as it would be a great resource (especially if some of the Dragon articles made it in there as well). Seems like WotC won't give...
  17. meomwt

    Mapping Tools

    Can anyone recommend any good freeware mapping tools for RPG's? I'm looking for something relatively simple to use for working up sections of countryside in a forthcoming campaign I'm planning right now. Ideally, it needs to be relatively easy to use (for a Klutz like me who kno nuthing) and...