Search results

  1. MythicJustice

    Gen Con Takes Stand For Inclusiveness

    Can we all sit at the lunch counter or not? It's strange that we are having this discussion again as a culture. Back in the 60s when this behavior was also legal created havens for bigots and tacitly approved the escalation of violence in order to protect a separation of people. Can we all...
  2. MythicJustice

    Dark Inheritance Spycraft setting

    Not, dead. Definately not dead hehe, but we have been recouperating after a very trying Fall. More material for Spycraft: Dark Inheritance is on the way. We're working on a 128 pg supplement for First Team, which also has a big section on the Storm Crows that will be coming out this Spring. It...
  3. MythicJustice

    Dark Inheritance anyone?

    The new edition of Spycraft (coming out around GenCon of next year from my understanding) will include all the information you will need to convert any differences in DI to Spycraft 2.0. We are also developing future DI support product with the Spycraft 2.0 in mind so it will not be a problem...
  4. MythicJustice

    Spycraft: Dark Inheritance Previews

    This is something we've thought a bit about but have not seriously considered as no one has approached us for such an arrangment.
  5. MythicJustice

    Spycraft: Dark Inheritance Previews

    Thanks. We're stunned how well the book came out. Releasing the book in pdf format is something we've been considering. If we do decide to do this it will be after the print version is in stores though as there are some hoops we'll need to jump through before hand. ps. You'll be seeing more...
  6. MythicJustice

    Spycraft: Dark Inheritance Previews

    The newest official Spycraft campaign setting, Dark Inheritance, will be in stores soon! Leading up to this, we are releasing four previews of the book. Today, you can learn more about the Titan Lineages and Spell Conversion Guidelines for converting d20 System spells to the Spycraft engine.
  7. MythicJustice

    D20 Modern & Spycraft

    Spycraft 2.0 is going to be out sometime in the second half of 2005 (not sure when, haven't heard). I'd suggest picking up a copy of the current Spycraft if you are wanting to play or run it in the next 8-10 months.
  8. MythicJustice

    SG-1. No Covert Class?

    Stargate is a stand alone product (or as stand alone as d20 can be). Spycraft is not required to play. Stargate is in many ways Spycraft 1.5 and while a few base classes from Spycraft don't appear in the book, they don't really fit the Stargate character archtypes. Spycraft 2.0 will be released...
  9. MythicJustice

    [Mythic Dreams] Spycraft: Dark Inheritance GenCon release

    Also check out the AEG Spycraft forums and our own Dark Inheritance forums.
  10. MythicJustice

    [Mythic Dreams] Spycraft: Dark Inheritance GenCon release

    Spycraft: Dark Inheritance will be available in stores at the end of this month but for those of you fortunate enough to go to GenCon, you can pick up one early at Booth 1243 (Osseum)!
  11. MythicJustice

    New DI! Cant wait for Gen Con!

    Yes, the Spycraft Dark Inheritance will be at GenCon! :D We'll be at booth 1243, which is listed as Osseum's booth.
  12. MythicJustice

    Anyone mind listing me all known D20 Modern 3rd party books?

    ENnie Nominated Setting Dark Inheritance is a mythic horror setting that may have a lot to offer you. The core setting may contain more FX than what you're looking for but there is a lot of new material that can be brought into other campaigns.
  13. MythicJustice

    SG-1. No Covert Class?

    Check out the Resources section at for Spycraft Lite, a free download to preview and even play Spycraft. They've just re-launched the site with the focus currently being their new CCG but in the left navigation there are links for Role-Playing Games.
  14. MythicJustice

    SG-1. No Covert Class?

    You may want to try the Fixer base class on for size. Has both evasion and sneak attack class abilities along with a medium attack progression and both Hide and Move Silently as class skills. The Fixer is in the main Spycraft book. But it is also possible to create the type of character you...
  15. MythicJustice

    Dark Inheritance™ Joins Spycraft™ Family

    That is a promise. We not only have (and feel) an obligation to d20 Modern fans of Dark Inheritance but understand how disappointing such a switch can be. We're gamers too! We seriously thought about dual stating but there are a number of problems that arise. First, it takes up space that...
  16. MythicJustice

    Dark Inheritance™ Joins Spycraft™ Family

    We unofficially announced it over on AEG's Spycraft boards and announced it to retailers and distributors at GAMA.
  17. MythicJustice

    Dark Inheritance™ Joins Spycraft™ Family

    This was a concern of ours when we decided to move to Spycraft. We are still going to support d20 Modern by providing conversions of all rules we publish in the Spycraft supplements as free pdf downloads off our site (and probably elsewhere). This will make Dark Inheritance the first campaign...
  18. MythicJustice

    Dark Inheritance™ Joins Spycraft™ Family

    Dark Inheritance™ Joins Spycraft™ Family FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DARK INHERITANCE™ JOINS SPYCRAFT™ FAMILY Mythic Dreams Studios licenses AEG’s Spycraft June 11, 2004 (Bothell, WA) – Mythic Dreams Studios LLC and Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. (AEG) are pleased to announce the addition of...
  19. MythicJustice

    Putting the Sci Fi in Star Wars

    It's a pulp story with a sci-fi veneer. I don't even try to pretend it's science fiction anymore, you loose the whole flavor of Star Wars. However, using a dyson sphere or "ring world" location would be great as it fits the "technology must be massive" motif the setting has going.
  20. MythicJustice

    Dark Inherentance goes Spycraft

    Actually it sold very well as a d20 Modern setting. Our decision to move to the Spycraft Family was decided after taking into account much more than just sales figures. There are a lot of factors that affect a company's business decisions. I don't know how much of a success WotC feels d20...