• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairain steps to the side to allow the elvish thief to pass her. The bare steel of the blade in her hand brings her comfort as she follows the slow-moving elf down the hall. She stays balanced on the balls of her feet, waiting for something dangerous to present itself.
  2. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Seeing most of the party ready to proceed Mairan unsheaths her longsword and cautiously opens the door the 'modified' ratling used. She balances on the balls of her feet and stays defensive, anticipating an attack.
  3. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan rolls her eyes slightly as the party debates moving the bodies. She moves wordlessly to the closest ratling and hefts it easily onto her shoulders, moving it to a pile of refuse large enough to hide it. "It won't hurt anything to just hide em, and we could be done before we finished...
  4. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan raises an eyebrow at Thurst. "I think getting the tails is an excellent idea, as a decoration I just don't think it would match my armor." She looks at Valana, concern evident in her tone. "Are you feeling any better?" she smiles and says, "I'll have to toughen you up so scratches...
  5. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan slashes at the ratling again. I can't really make out what's happening in the room for where people are and where rodents are so I'll keep bashing away at this guy
  6. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row

    The bard and I have returned from the heat and humidity! Oh wait, he's a rogue. Well we're back anyway, thanks for the pause!
  7. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row

    Sorry for the clueless post there and it being late on top. Between my mom's surgery and getting ready to leave for the week, I seem to have hit a clueless streak. In the event that I do that ever again, just hit whatever I'm close to and isn't on my side.
  8. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row

    We figured we could explain away a trip for blizzcon if we made it into a trip that was twice as long at Disney. We'll be away from home from tomorrow night until the next thursday after.
  9. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan watches as the enchanted ratling falls to the crossbow bolt. She decides to attack the ratling whose spear very recently was in Aeshen.
  10. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan pauses to savor the victory over the ratling leader before glancing around the room, taking stock of the situation. Seeing Aeshen by himself, and despite some impressive sword-work doing little to get ahead in his confrontation, Mairan sprints to the scene, aiming her blade at the...
  11. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan seems to be mindlessly intent on ending the commanding ratling. She seems not to even notice the sound of the gong as her eyes flash with anger, she slashes at the ratling with intent to end the creature's existence.
  12. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan steadies herself after the blow and focuses on attacking the creature.
  13. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row

    Aeshen will post as soon as he wakes up. The internet at the paper blew up and he worked 16 hours of the 24. Sorry for the delay.
  14. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan continues her assault on the ratling hoping that Ella doesn't knock her over or stumble between her and the ratling. Seemingly less reserved than she's been since leaving Kunstler's house an outburst of frustration erupts as she unleashes on the ratling.
  15. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan charges the leader of the ratlings wearing the chain armor and attacks.
  16. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan checks to make sure that everyone is ready and moves to open the door. She has her weapon drawn but as she walks through the door she tries to look non-threatening to the pair inside. As she enters the room she takes stock of the area and looks for the most defensible area in the area...
  17. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan looks at the door and at her companions, after a moment of consideration she says, "I'm not knocking for a couple pieces of gambling crap, I think I'll lead the way. So long as you", she nods at Aeshen "don't think there's anything funny, or painful about the door itself."
  18. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Edit: <removing :Mairan looks expectantly at Ella, "Understand anything?" she whispers.> Didn't see the reply right before.
  19. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    (Aeshen posting from Fyrie's computer) Upon hearing the voices, Aeshen shushes the party. He procedes to place his ear to the door, trying to make out what is being said in the room.
  20. F

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Mairan whispers to Aeshen "Go see if you can make out what they're saying and how many are over there."